kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 565 Let her make a fool of herself

Chapter 565 Let her make a fool of herself
Bai Jiujiu got out of the car gracefully, followed by Ying Bao, but went directly to the backstage without passing the red carpet.

The audience didn't know who was screaming, but someone vaguely heard the word Bai Jiujiu.

But Bai Jiujiu turned a deaf ear, with graceful steps, every step was incomparably noble, with a charm that was hard to ignore.

The appearance of Bai Jiujiu successfully made all the shots and cameras turn to her at the same time.

Her appearance took away most of Yixuelan's brilliance, but obviously made Yixuelan her supporting role.

Yi Xuelan never expected that Bai Jiujiu was still alive!

She paid such a high price, yet Bai Jiujiu actually stood in front of her!

What does that Yun Lingfeng eat?
Damn it, when I look back at him to settle the score, I dare to eat it all and refuse to admit it.

Yi Xuelan stood in front and looked at Bai Jiujiu's outfit, completely superior to her, hateful, really hateful!

Seeing Bai Jiujiu walking past her, Yi Xuelan couldn't bear to see Bai Jiujiu's haughty look, so there was nothing to be proud of.

Yi Xuelan greeted the camera on purpose, and "accidentally" stepped on Bai Jiujiu's trailing skirt, and then there was the sound of clothes being torn apart.


A corner of Bai Jiujiu's tail skirt was still under Yi Xuelan's feet.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Yixuelan said softly with an expression of unease on her face, making it impossible to get angry at all.

Yi Xuelan looked at Bai Jiujiu with a hint of provocation.

At this time, the confrontation between the two is under the eyes of the camera and the public.

The ladder Bai Jiujiu was standing on was higher than Yixuelan, and his eyes fell on Yixuelan's feet, "Please move your feet away, or I will think you are doing it on purpose."

Yi Xuelan looked aggrieved, stepped back a few steps, covered her face, a little sad.

It looked as if Bai Jiujiu had said something excessive to Yi Xuelan just now, but due to the distance, he couldn't hear the conversation between the two of them clearly.

But what kind of dialogue is needed, the expression is the most important!
So none of the reporters present would let go of such explosive news.

It was full of gunpowder before it even started, who would miss such a hot topic.

Bai Jiujiu and Yi Xuelan successfully captured the headlines of the red carpet, which is something that many artists can't hope for.

An exposure rate is very important for a newcomer actor.

Without exposure, no matter how good-looking and capable, it is useless.

Because people can't see it.

The red carpet was broadcast live, and many barrage kings began to yell at Bai Jiujiu.

"Bai Jiujiu, what are you? You're just a newcomer, yet you dare to bully our sister Yi!"

"Is it because you dress so coquettishly that you think you are an international superstar?"

"Get off! Get off, bitch!"

"Go to hell, bitch, dare to bully our Xuelan! Go to hell! Go to hell!"

Ying Bao, who was already sitting in the background, saw the content of the barrage, and was so angry that she wanted to smash her phone!
What kind of people are they, who curse people indiscriminately, and even curse people to death!
Ying Bao also left a message immediately, don't know don't talk nonsense!
Who knew she was attacked collectively.

"Who do you think you are? Our Lady?"

"That's right, it's none of your business if I scold Bai Jiujiu, if you don't like it, get away and stop PPing here!"

"That's right, support our family Yi Xuelan, Bai Jiujiu dies!"

Ying Bao was so angry that her fingers were trembling and her tears were about to fall.

These, what kind of people are these people, they have no quality at all!
(End of this chapter)

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