kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 567 You are so cute!

Chapter 567 You are so cute!

"I'm here." Sensing the change in Bai Jiujiu's mood, Lu Sichen curled his mouth slightly, delighted by her joy.

With these two simple words, Bai Jiujiu's eyes overflowed with a happy smile.

"I thought you wouldn't come." There was a little surprise in his tone.

"I said, you will give me every first time in your life." The low, slightly lingering and domineering tone made people's hearts flutter.

Bai Jiujiu felt the slight beating of his heart again. He said it and did it. At this moment, our hearts are getting closer.

It turns out that falling in love with someone is so wonderful.

All moods are affected by him, becoming not like himself, but like the most authentic self.

"Uncle, I love you."

Lu Sichen was stunned for a moment, and held Bai Jiujiu's hand tightly under the stool.

The two interlocked their fingers.

"Don't tease me anymore, my endurance in front of you is not as good as you think."

The expressions of both of them were very calm, polite and distant, and they looked at the front quietly.

"There is another surprise waiting for you to sign for it."

"Huh?" Bai Jiujiu had doubts in his eyes, waiting for the surprise that Lu Sichen said.

What the host on the stage said, Bai Jiujiu didn't listen to a word, she sneaked a sideways glance at Lu Sichen, and found that Lu Sichen's profile was also very handsome and perfect.

No matter how you look at it, it looks good.

Lu Sichen looked at Bai Jiujiu with an idiot look on his face, and couldn't help teasing her, "Drool came out."

"Huh?" Bai Jiujiu swallowed his saliva, wiped it with his hands, dryly, with an embarrassed face, and lied to her!
Lu Sichen looked at the angry Bai Jiujiu, and suddenly felt that it would be fun to make her happy.

"Bai Jiujiu!"

When Bai Jiujiu heard the host suddenly calling her, he subconsciously stood up immediately. Seeing his name and the nomination for Best Supporting Actress on the screen in the background, he was a little confused.

Seeing that Bai Jiujiu hadn't moved, the host immediately rescued the scene, "It seems that the newcomer is too happy, and he may not be able to recover, and he may not believe it. Let's encourage him with warm applause."

So there was warm applause on the field.

"Not yet on stage to accept the award." Lu Sichen reminded in a low voice.

Only then did Bai Jiujiu come back to his senses, and immediately stepped onto the stage without haste.

It's all because the uncle is so good-looking, making her so ashamed!
He muttered again in his heart, but Bai Jiujiu showed a feeling of joy on his face.

In fact, it's not considered a show, it's just a little release of the suppressed mood.

The host first praised Bai Jiujiu, and then said: "I invite President Lu Sichen to present an award to Bai Jiujiu."

Bai Jiujiu was taken aback for a moment, is this the surprise he said?

No wonder he came here today, it turns out... so he already knew about it.

In fact, Bai Jiujiu was really happy to get this Best Supporting Actress award.

But it was far less happy than seeing Lu Sichen appearing in front of her and seeing him presenting awards to her.

When Lu Sichen took the stage, his brilliance was no less than that of any star present.

Especially good looks, immediately won the love of many women.


"Thank you."

The two were affectionate on stage, but Ai Ye who was in the audience almost rushed to the stage and separated them.

In such an occasion, you two pay attention to your image!

The host also noticed it, and interrupted the two of them with two coughs, "Now, I would like to invite Bai Jiujiu to give his acceptance speech."

Bai Jiujiu looked at the back of Lu Sichen leaving, and smiled at the audience seats.

(End of this chapter)

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