kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 593 Amazing!

Chapter 593 Amazing!
No, more precisely, Bai Jiujiu turned back to the handsome boy before!
Phantom couldn't help being stunned when she saw it. She didn't expect that a person could become another person by dressing up, and even the gender could be changed.

Bai Jiujiu deliberately lowered her midline voice. Her voice was already slightly deep, which sounded very comfortable.

"Phantom has something to ask you, help me take care of Lan Tianhong."

"No, the boss wants me to stay by your side and take care of your safety."

"I asked you to stay with Lan Tianhong for two reasons. One is to take care of him, and the other is to monitor him. As for my safety, I think someone is more suitable than you. Sister Yehe has been resting for so long, and he should be tired." .”

While speaking, Bai Jiujiu sent a text message to Ai Yehe to assign tasks.

Phantom's eyes flickered slightly, "Okay."

"Thank you!" Bai Jiujiu smiled the most handsomely towards Phantom.

Phantom: "..." This is simply a monster, how can he smile so... handsome!

Compared with the previous Bai Jiujiu, his aura and temperament are completely different!
No wonder it is said that the boss's woman is an actress, her acting skills are really not covered.

"Are you trying to use a beauty trick?" Phantom hesitated and said.

Bai Jiujiu looked at Gentleman Phantom and smiled, "I didn't expect Miss Phantom to be beautiful, and her acumen is first-rate."

Phantom: "..." Is she being molested like this?
Bai Jiujiu picked off the roses on the side of the road casually. The thorns on the tip pierced into Bai Jiujiu's tender skin, and a trace of bright red blood flowed out. She didn't care, but put the rose on the tip of her nose and sniffed it lightly.

"You're right, I just want to win Jane Aiwei's heart, since she is the boss's favorite granddaughter, as long as you get close to her, you can get in touch with them, and it won't be difficult to find news about Yun Lingfeng, It is even easier to find news about Yi Xuelan."

Phantom was stunned, her tone was exactly the same as that of her eldest brother, but her eldest brother approached Jane Ivy as a senior, so of course he disdained to use beautiful men to trick him.

Bai Jiujiu is very good at using his own advantages.

Phantom: "Are you so confident in yourself?"

The corners of Bai Jiujiu's mouth curled slightly, "Isn't there still Sister Yehe?"

Phantom suppressed the smile on the corner of her mouth, and made a gesture of admiration. "

When Ai Yehe arrived, he handed the information to Bai Jiujiu with the information in his hand, "Xiaoyou, what you want... Wow, why did you change your appearance again? Why didn't you ask me to do it?"

Bai Jiujiu opened the file and said: "Let you sleep more, save some energy for the next work."

Ai Yehe: "..." I always feel that what Bai Jiujiu said is not good.

Phantom patted Ai Yehe's shoulder lightly, gave him a sympathetic look, and left.

Ai Yehe felt bad all over.

"Well, Jiujiu, what is the purpose of you asking me to check Jane Ivy?"

Bai Jiujiu looked at it roughly, and had a solid idea in his mind, "Yes, we have to find a way to get close to her. As for who she will fall in love with, it depends on the luck of the two of us."

"Short oil, I'm determined not to do this!" Ai Yehe refused straight away.

Bai Jiujiu said to Ai Yehe: "As long as you promise me this time, I owe you a favor."

Ai Yehe started a small calculation in his heart, Bai Jiujiu owed him a favor, wouldn't that mean that his elder brother owed him a favor?
Big brother's favor is not so easy to owe.

This deal is a bargain!
"make a deal!"

But Ai Yehe completely forgot whether it was a favor or not, it was something that Lu Sichen could just say.

(End of this chapter)

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