kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 596 Danger, run!

Chapter 596 Danger, run!
Bai Jiujiu also noticed Lu Sichen, and the eyes of the two only exchanged and merged for a short time, and then they separated soon.

Lu Sichen replied mechanically coldly: "I'm following your grandfather's order to help you find out who is suitable to be your fiancé."

Jane Aiwei was very upset when she heard the words, "No, I want you, Lu, I like you, I want you!"

Lu Sichen still coldly refused directly, "I have someone I like."

Jane Ivy frowned, "Who do you like? I'm going to kill her!"

Lu Sichen squinted slightly, exuding a terrifying aura, "If you dare to touch her, I will kill you first."

Jian Aiwei felt Lu Sichen's murderous aura, and the murderous aura was so strong that Jian Aiwei couldn't move her whole body.

Probably noticed, several guns were aimed directly at Lu Sichen in the dark.

It seemed that as long as there was even the slightest thing wrong with him, he would die right there.

Lu Sichen suppressed his murderous aura, and stepped back a few steps.

Those in the dark shifted their targets.

Jian Aiwei wanted to make a sound, but found that she couldn't make a sound because she was scared by Lu Sichen.

She pursed her lips tightly and swore in her heart that no matter who this woman was, she would kill her!

Even if Lu Sichen hates him, it's better than not seeing him in his eyes.

Not far away, Bai Jiujiu sneezed, why is it suddenly so cold?
Who is cursing her?
When Lu Sichen passed by Bai Jiujiu, he accidentally dropped his handkerchief on the ground.

Bai Jiujiu subconsciously picked it up and handed it to Lu Sichen.

Lu Sichen squinted, and said coldly: "It's dirty, I don't want it anymore."

The corners of Bai Jiujiu's mouth twitched slightly, his temperament really hasn't changed at all.

However, in the seemingly normal scene just now, Bai Jiujiu had already received the dumb words that Lu Sichen called her with gestures.

'Danger, run away. '

Bai Jiujiu didn't have time to think too much, and planned to tell Ai Yehe who was surrounded by a group of women not far away.

Retreat immediately.

But he didn't expect to be blocked by a person.

"Give me that handkerchief!" Jian Aiwei saw that the frequently used handkerchief left by Lu Sichen was picked up by the person in front of her and immediately chased after it.

Bai Jiujiu was worried about how to get close to Jian Aiwei, but he didn't expect Yu'er to come to her door.

"Yes, miss, I need a tip." Bai Jiujiu made a gesture asking for money.

Jane Aiwei snorted, took out her wallet, threw a card to Bai Jiujiu, "Is that enough, boy!"

Bai Jiujiu was not annoyed by Jane Ivy's humiliating behavior. He bent down to pick up the card and smiled, "I'm worried that I will lose my life. Cash is safer."

Jian Aiwei raised her eyebrows, took back the card, took out a stack of money and threw it into Bai Jiujiu's hands, "Here!"

Bai Jiujiu accepted the money, and smiled at Jane Aiwei: "Thank you, miss."

Wrap your fingers around a few times, transforming the handkerchief into a rose flower, "Here!"

Jane Ivy immediately exclaimed, "It's so beautiful, how did you do it?"

Bai Jiujiu still smiled gentlemanly, "I think this flower matches you very well."

"Hmph, don't be glib!" Jian Aiwei snorted coldly, but the corners of her mouth couldn't help but rise, everyone likes to hear compliments.

What's more, Bai Jiujiu's voice is very comfortable and natural, and it doesn't feel like he's trying to curry favor at all.

Bai Jiujiu, who originally planned to abscond immediately, made a bold plan at this time.

"I can do a lot of magic tricks, miss, do you want to see it?"

Jane Ivy immediately became interested, "Really?"

(End of this chapter)

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