kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 605 I can do it, but he can't!

Chapter 605 I can do it, but he can't!
Jane Aiwei slapped the table with her big hand, "I can! I can give birth to you and carry on the family line, but he can't!"

Ai Yehe was already holding back his internal injuries from laughing, so he could only keep shaking with his back on his back.

Xiaoyou, Bai Jiujiu is a woman herself, so I still need you to have a baby?
Bai Jiujiu frowned, but fortunately Lu Sichen stopped her in time, it seemed that he understood the character of Jane Aiwei, the character of the bone of love and the death of hate.

It's not a good thing to be an enemy of her at the moment.

This kind of character is completely based on one's own feelings, and there is no correct concept of value guidance.

Maybe it has something to do with her upbringing.

As an actor, it is also very important to analyze the character of the character. Only by completely dissecting the character can one truly integrate with the character.

The previous warm male type is obviously not suitable for the development needs of the current situation, and she has to make some adjustments.

"Ai Wei, have you ever thought that you don't like me at all, but just greedy for my kindness to you? Or that my previous actions can be replaced by another man, such as..."

Bai Jiujiu pointed to Ai Yehe who was still holding back his smile: "Him?"

Jian Aiwei glanced at Ai Yehe, and refused to admit it, "How could I like him!"

"Hmm..." Because Ai Yehe's mouth was blocked, Bai Jiujiu kindly let go of his blocked mouth upon seeing this.

"Short oil, I don't like violence like you!" Ai Yehe received another blow for his words.

Bai Jiujiu looked at it and couldn't help but touch his forehead. Why didn't she think that Sister Yehe was so childish before?

"Ai Wei, you said you like Lu, but you said you like me when I appeared. Does that mean that another man who treats you nicely appears, and you will change your mind?"

"No!" Jian Aiwei grabbed Bai Jiujiu's hand, "If you don't believe me, we can get married right now."

This time Ai Ye Hepburn didn't smile anymore, he looked thoughtfully at Jane Ivy's serious eyes.

Neither refusal nor persuasion can make her give up.

You can only follow her first.

A stubborn person will only give up if he has figured it out.

Bai Jiujiu said: "I have a suggestion. Let's give each other some space and time so that you can see your feelings more clearly. I can pretend to be your fiancé and help you escape this time."

Jane Ivy was taken aback, pretending?

But if she thinks about pretending, at least on the surface 'he' is herself, she has plenty of time to catch up with 'him'!
"Okay, it's not too late, I'll take you back now and tell them, I want to see what other tricks they can play."

Jane Ivy agreed.

Bai Jiujiu pushed Ai Yehe out, "To be on the safe side, it's best for Yehe to come forward for me. On the surface, I'm just his servant."

"No!" Jane Aiwei directly refused.

"If many people know that I'm your fiancé, I'm afraid many people will kill me, but if Yehe replaces me, I'm sure I'll be much safer." Bai Jiujiu analyzed.

Jane Aiwei thought it was very reasonable, even if she was reluctant in her heart, she could only reluctantly agree.

"OK then."

Ai Yehe listened to what the two said, without asking his opinion.

I simply didn't pay attention to him!
"I disagree."

The blue veins on Jane Aiwei's forehead popped up, "You! Say! What! What!"

"I said, I..." Before Ai Yehe finished speaking, he saw Jian Aiwei in the front of a dinosaur spitting fire again, swallowed the latter words, and changed the words.

(End of this chapter)

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