kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 608 Kill You!

Chapter 608 Kill You!
Bai Jiujiu squinted slightly at Jian Qiangsheng and looked at her with some deep meaning, which made her feel a chill.

Afterwards, Jian Qiangsheng and Yun Lingfeng had a pleasant conversation, and in the end, Jian Qiangsheng kept Yun Lingfeng at home for dinner.

Yun Lingfeng said politely: "Then respect is worse than obedience!"

Jane Aiwei said to Ai Yehe: "My dear, I will have dinner with me at home later."

Ai Yehe smiled at Jane Aiwei: "Okay!" Taking the opportunity to pinch her face with both hands.

Jane Aiwei leaned into his ear and whispered: "Don't let go of your pig's big hoof and be careful, I will kill you later!"

Ai Yehe was so scared that he immediately let go of his hand.

Bai Jiujiu was relieved to see the two of them having such a 'happy' exchange.

"Master, I'm going to prepare tea for you."

Bai Jiujiu actually wanted to take the opportunity to observe Jian Zhai carefully.

Yun Lingfeng's gaze followed Bai Jiujiu until she disappeared and did not take it back.

Jian Qiangsheng glanced at a bodyguard beside him, and the bodyguard immediately understood.

Go to the location where Bai Jiujiu left.

And Ai Yehe naturally noticed it too, he wanted to get up but was held down by Jane Aiwei.

In order not to be discovered, Jane Aiwei whispered to Ai Yehe: "Responsiveness."

This is what Bai Jiujiu told her.

Jane Aiwei was too close, and Ai Yehe was a little... confused by the warm fragrance.

In addition, Bai Jiujiu had already noticed that someone was following her, so she was a little curious, she kept a low profile all the time, why was she still being watched?
Helpless, they can only pretend to reveal their flaws to see what their purpose is.

Seeing that Bai Jiujiu had an opportunity to relax his vigilance, the bodyguard immediately knocked her unconscious and carried her on his shoulders.

I can't help but have a little doubt in my heart, this weight is too light, no wonder I was taken by that person, I'm afraid I will be tortured half to death again, who calls 'he' why is a man so handsome, he can only be left to be harmed by others .

Bai Jiujiu was so jolted that he wanted to vomit!

Fortunately, after a while, I was thrown on the bed, and then the bodyguard lit some kind of aroma in the room, and then left.

Bai Jiujiu sniffed the fragrance, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, seeing through all their plots.

This is the rhythm of giving her away.

This fragrance contains poppy ingredients, which can cause hallucinations and paralyze the nerves if you smell it too much.

Bai Jiujiu suddenly thought of a plan, but this plan must be completed by a non-existent person.


Seeing movement behind the curtain, Bai Jiujiu immediately ran forward and punched him, but he didn't expect to be clenched.

"Why? Hit me every time we meet before giving up?" Lu Sichen's deep and magnetic voice made Bai Jiujiu instantly happy.

"Uncle!" Bai Jiujiu hugged Lu Sichen tightly, "Uncle, why are you here?"

"I have always been here, since you came in, I have seen it, but you can't see me.

I thought you knew the way, but I didn't expect you to be faking. "Lu Sichen lovingly stroked Bai Jiujiu's head.

"Hee hee, am I very good?"

"Well, our Jiubao is the best."

"Uncle, do you know, I just thought it would be great if someone helped me, and then you appeared, you are simply my angel!"

"So do you want your angel to do something?"

With a hook of Bai Jiujiu's finger, Lu Sichen bent down and listened to Bai Jiujiu's plan.

(End of this chapter)

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