kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 610 The Civil War

Chapter 610 The Civil War
Lu Sichen took care of the internal targets sent by outsiders on the list. If there is a civil war, he only needs to hand over the Jian family himself, and his mission here is almost completed.

When Lu Sichen pushed Master Jian out, Jian Aiwei was arguing with Ai Yehe.

"Grandpa!" Seeing Master Jian, Jane Aiwei immediately ran forward and hugged Master Jane tightly.

"Grandpa, it's great that you're fine, do you know how worried I am about you!" Jane Ivy cried with joy.

"I'm fine, I'm fine, thanks to Lu, if Lu hadn't been helping me, I'm afraid my old life would have been gone long ago." Master Jian looked at Lu Sichen gratefully.

Lu Sichen said coldly: "It should." He was polite and distant.

Jane Aiwei glanced at Lu Sichen with a complicated expression, "Thank you."

Lu Sichen nodded, expressing his acceptance of this thank you.

"By the way, that Jian Qiangsheng left just now and didn't know where he went. Do you think he is up to some conspiracy again?" Jane Aiwei expressed her doubts in her heart.

"It's only now that I realize it. It's not an exaggeration to say it's a pig!"

"Who are you calling a pig!"

"Whoever says pigs scold him is the one!"

"You!" Jian Aiwei became more displeased the more she looked at Ai Yehe.

"Who is this?" Master Jane asked.

Before Ai Yehe said anything, Jian Aiwei said first: "It's just a nobody."

Bai Jiujiu was having fun on the sidelines, and she could see that the two of them just liked to argue when they were together, maybe it didn't happen to each other.

Lu Sichen said directly: "He is my brother."

Master Jian said thoughtfully, "Oh, so it's Lu's brother."

After speaking, he looked at Ai Yehe again.

Jane Aiwei directly interrupted Master Jane's sight, "Grandpa, you haven't answered my words yet!"

Master Jian smiled and said, "You should ask Lu about this."

Lu Sichen remained silent.

Bai Jiujiu said at the right time: "I think it should come out soon."

As soon as Bai Jiujiu finished speaking, everyone heard a scream like a pig being killed!

"Ah! Find me that damned boy and kill him!"

Jane Ivy frowned: "Is this the voice of Jane Johnson?"

Then the people present saw that Jian Qiangsheng was disheveled, bruised, and his face was in an abnormal state, showing a hint of decadence.

"You guys are being fucked!" Jane Ivy blurted out.

It's okay if you don't say it, as soon as Jian Qiangsheng said this word, he rushed to Bai Jiujiu directly, "I'm going to kill you!"

With a "bang", a gun stopped his progress.

"If you dare to take one more step forward, I'll kill you right away." Lu Sichen's cold voice concealed a sharp blade, straight to the throat.

Jian Qiangsheng was drenched in cold sweat. Who is this man with such a powerful aura.

Jian Qiangsheng looked at Mr. Jian and said, "Dad, do you see such an outsider bullying your son?"

When Master Jian heard what Jian Qiangsheng said, he was so angry that he kept coughing, "Son, ahem, ahem, son? Ahem, ahem, you still have the face to say it's my son? Then, what did you do to me?
Putting poison in my food, if Lu hadn't discovered it early, my old life would have been gone long ago! "

When Jian Aiwei heard this, she immediately stepped forward, slapped Jian Qiangsheng and said, "I didn't expect Grandpa to raise a wolf-hearted person!"

Jian Qiangsheng wanted to return it, but several people pointed guns at his head, watching them target him one by one, he tore his face directly, and stopped pretending.

"Hmph, wolf-hearted? I don't know how many times I have died for these people, but what about him!"

(End of this chapter)

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