Chapter 613

Bai Jiujiu was heartbroken.

It seems that human life is nothing more than an ant in the eyes of these people.

But maybe it was a last resort in the high position, after all, old man Jane gave him a chance.

Jian Qiangsheng's eyes widened before the moment, with an expression of unwillingness.

The more people think, the more they actually lose.

Lu Sichen walked up to Bai Jiujiu, did not move, just stood beside her, others might not be able to see it.

But she could feel his worry and his tenderness, which belonged only to her.

Uncle, how can you make me stop loving you like this.

Ai Yehe on the side applied the wind oil essence to Jian Aiwei, and Jian Aiwei coughed twice before waking up.

"Grandpa!" The first thing Jane Aiwei said when she woke up was to shout Grandpa.

Seeing that old man Jane was still alive, Jane Aiwei ran over immediately and hugged old man Jane tightly.

"Grandpa, that's great, you're fine. I just had a dream. I dreamed of" Jane Aiwei didn't say the following words, she hugged the old man Jane tightly, afraid that he would leave her around.

"Okay, it's okay, it's okay." Old man Jane stroked Jane Ivy's back.

And at this moment, Bai Jiujiu saw a trace of humanity on the old man's face, as if he was not the boss of Jane's family, but just Jane Aiwei's grandfather.

"I can live, thanks to Lu, Lu, you can just say what you want, as long as it is within my ability." Old man Jian made a promise.

Lu Sichen said: "I haven't thought of it yet, I'll talk about it when I think of it."

Old man Jian glanced at Lu Sichen, then at Jian Aiwei in his arms, and said, "Why don't I marry my granddaughter to you?"

Lu Sichen frowned, and before he could refuse, someone was one step ahead of him.

"Grandpa, I don't want to marry him!" Jane Aiwei said coquettishly to old man Jane.

"Oh, who told me before that Lu would not marry, why? Changed his mind so quickly?" Old man Jian joked.

Jane Aiwei became a little angry from embarrassment: "Grandpa!"

"Hahahaha, okay, tell me who you have your eye on?" Old Jane asked.

A gleam of joy flashed in Jane Aiwei's eyes, "Grandpa, can anyone do it?"

When old man Jian heard what Jane Aiwei said, he knew that his little girl really had someone in her heart, "Tell me first."

Bai Jiujiu's heart skipped a beat, it's not good.

Sure enough, in the next second, Bai Jiujiu heard Jane Aiwei looking at him with affection, "I want to marry 'him' Si Jiu!"

The old man Jane looked along Jane Aiwei's fingers, and glanced at Bai Jiujiu, his sharp eyes seemed to see through Bai Jiujiu.

Bai Jiujiu felt uncomfortable under such scrutiny, and his eyes seemed to see through her.

Lu Sichen directly stepped forward to block the sight of his old man Jian, and directly refused, "She can't do it."

"Why not?" Jane Ivy said, "Don't forget whose territory this is!"

Lu Sichen narrowed his eyes slightly, "Why are you threatening me?"

The old man Jian laughed twice, and immediately dismissed the danger of the two of them firing, "Ai Wei, this Si Jiu is really not good."

"Why, grandpa, no, I just like 'him' and want to be with 'him'!"

"Ivy, don't you see it? She's a girl."

Old man Jane's words were like a bolt from the blue to Jane Aiwei!

"What!" Jane Aiwei looked at Bai Jiujiu in disbelief, "Are you a girl?"

(End of this chapter)

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