kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 619 Don't play tricks

Chapter 619 Don't play tricks

So many people are worrying about Bai Jiujiu, and at this moment the deity Bai Jiujiu is lying on the bed and sleeping.

As if being induced, Bai Jiujiu woke up suddenly and called two: "Uncle!"

When she opened her eyes, it was not a place she was familiar with.

where is this?
Bai Jiujiu didn't recover for a while, she only remembered that she seemed to be talking to Yun Lingfeng, and then there seemed to be an explosion, and then she was knocked out, and then she woke up and slept here.

Someone seemed to have cleaned up the wounds on his body, and someone had changed his clothes.

Bai Jiujiu's brain froze and restarted in a moment.

She is probably on the enemy's side now, in a difficult situation, and she must find a way to leave.

Suddenly the door opened.

"Are you awake?"

It was a boy's voice, and the voice was a little immature.

When someone walked up to Bai Jiujiu, Bai Jiujiu couldn't help being stunned.

He is quite tall, 1.8 meters tall, his facial features are not fully developed, a little immature, but his eyes are particularly sharp, his skin is healthy and bronze, and there is a beautiful tattoo in the middle of his forehead, which dispels the hostility on his face.

Bai Jiujiu was stunned for a moment, she seemed to see the shadow of her younger brother from him.

And her younger brother hasn't woken up yet. Thinking of the tears rolling in Bai Jiujiu's eyes and some real emotions, she revealed some of these emotions and magnified them.

She misses her younger brother Bai Yu.

Thinking that Bai Yu was still lying in the hospital because of her fault, she would rather be the one lying there.

Bai Jiujiu suddenly smiled and stepped forward.

The boy was fully on guard, as long as she made any changes, he would shoot and kill her!

But what he didn't expect was that the person in front of him hugged her suddenly. Just when he was about to push her away, he felt the warmth and wetness on his neck, which made him startled slightly.

The boy did not expect that the other party would burst into tears. Obviously, this was the first time a woman shed tears quietly in front of him. He didn't speak, but just let Bai Jiujiu cry.

Bai Jiujiu marveled at the boy's forbearance.

She keeps hypnotizing herself, treating the boy in front of her as her younger brother, and she will play the role of his sister.

She must do everything possible to survive.

When he closed his eyes and opened them again, Bai Jiujiu's eyes were full of tears of joy.

"Great, brother, you're finally awake."

The boy pushed Bai Jiujiu away, not knowing what kind of tricks the woman in front of him was playing, he refused straight away: "I'm not your younger brother, my surname is Gu, and my name is Xiu Yi!"

Bai Jiujiu was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "Why did you change your name?"

Gu Xiuyi took care of Bai Jiujiu up and down, his sharp eyes seemed to be able to see through people's hearts.

Bai Jiujiu looked at her with a calm expression on her face. She had already integrated into the character, making it impossible for people to catch a single flaw.

Gu Xiuyi frowned, he couldn't tell whether the woman in front of him was real or just pretending, so he couldn't help pinching Bai Jiujiu's jaw: "Don't play tricks on me!"

Bai Jiujiu: "..." Why do these people always like to pinch her minibus?

Bai Jiujiu slapped Gu Xiuyi's hand open, "Are you fat? You dare to bully even your sister, don't you?"

Gu Xiuyi didn't expect that the other party was not afraid of him, and dared to beat him!
You know how many people cried and begged for mercy when they heard his name, but this woman dared to beat him?

"What are you? How many times have I told you to call me sister! I'm older than you anyway!" Bai Jiujiu said in a tone of lecture.

(End of this chapter)

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