kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 628 I'm Shy

Chapter 628 I'm Shy

And Bai Jiujiu was still in the scene just now, she saw the mouth shape Yi Xuelan said to her.

It is the word protection.

What is she protecting?
"Ouch!" Bai Jiujiu's thoughts were interrupted by the sting of alcohol, but when he recovered, he saw Gu Xiuyi applying medicine for her again.

"Don't move, the bite is really hard, it will definitely leave scars." Gu Xiuyi wiped and blew carefully.

It was as if the hands in front of him were a rare treasure to him.

"It's okay, if you leave a scar, you will leave a scar, I don't care." Bai Jiujiu didn't care.

"No, sister is mine, no scars are allowed."

These words are full of childishness, Bai Jiujiu saw for the first time in Gu Xiuyi's actions and words suitable for his age.

Bai Jiujiu put his other hand into his pocket habitually, touched a USB flash drive, and came to his senses.

Could it be according to what Xuelan said to protect this?
Gu Xiuyi waved his hands in front of Bai Jiujiu's eyes: "What are you thinking about? So preoccupied?"

"No, nothing." Bai Jiujiu smiled.

"If it's nothing, get ready, this place can't live."


Gu Xiuyi looked at Bai Jiujiu and said word by word: "Yixuelan has leaked the address here, I'm afraid they will come here immediately, including Lu Sichen, we have to leave early."

"Oh." Bai Jiujiu said softly.

Bai Jiujiu's reaction was beyond Gu Xiuyi's expectation.

"Then, those people..."

"Take away the valuable ones, and kill them if they are worthless."

"..." After hearing this, Bai Jiujiu felt that Gu Xiuyi was still Gu Xiuyi, cruel.

It's just that the Gu Xiuyi she saw was his other side, and she was almost deceived into thinking that he was a good person.

"Leave Yi Xuelan." Bai Jiujiu said.

"Why, can't bear her?"

Bai Jiujiu shook his head: "If she dies, she must die by my hands."

Gu Xiuyi took a deep look at Bai Jiujiu, nodded in agreement, and immediately transferred.

Bai Jiujiu didn't expect that Gu Xiuyi would let her sit in the same car with him. After sitting for an unknown amount of time, Bai Jiujiu fell asleep directly leaning on Gu Xiuyi's shoulder.

Gu Xiuyi glanced at Bai Jiujiu, turned his face away from the window, at such a close distance, the fragrance that belonged to her body went straight to the tip of his nose.

I want to push it away, but I can't bear to push it away.

For a moment, Gu Xiuyi was in a state of confusion.

Taking advantage of Gu Xiuyi's inattention, Bai Jiujiu twisted the ring, and then put his hand back into his pocket without a trace.

After leaving the house, there is no shielding information equipment in the surrounding area, which is the best time.

And Bai Jiujiu has been waiting for such an opportunity.

Sure enough, Lu Sichen's group who rushed over there not only missed, but were also ambushed.

Just when everyone knew they had been duped, Lu Sichen received Bai Jiujiu's location signal and immediately turned on the system to search.

The old man Jian glanced at the general direction and said: "I know where their next place is. This place is along the coast, and there is only one house there. As long as we are one step ahead of them, we can catch a turtle in our hands!"

Lu Sichen glanced at Phantom and ordered: "Gather our nearest people to this place, protect it for a long time, and wait for me to arrive."

"Yes!" Phantom disappeared from everyone's sight after saying that.

Lan Tianhong saw the phantom's ability for the first time, and a flash of admiration flashed in his eyes.

Lu Sichen gave Lan Tianhong a cold look, and said coldly: "It's really unreliable."

Lan Tianhong was wrong, he was more worried about whether something would happen to Yi Xuelan, and more importantly, whether the things were still in her hands.

(End of this chapter)

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