kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 640 What else can I do besides persist?

Chapter 640 What else can I do besides persist?

She looks like a well-educated lady.

And Lan Tianhong knew what kind of vicious heart lay beneath such a beautiful appearance, so vicious that even his own son wanted to use it.

"Did you prescribe the medicine?" Lan Tianhong rushed to Lan Mu and asked without any explanation.

Mother Lan wiped the remaining coffee stains from the corner of her lower lip with a tissue, and said with a smile, "Yes."

"Hehe, do you really think of me as your son?" If Lan Tianhong hadn't had to lower his voice because it was a public place, he would have flipped the table a long time ago.

Mother Lan looked at Lan Tianhong and questioned herself with anger, and said with a sneer, "What about you? Do you regard me as your mother? Or that an outsider is important to me? For an outsider, you dare to use this Attitude talking to me?"

Lan Tianhong took a deep breath, calmed his emotions and said to Lan Mu: "I don't want to participate in your revenge plan anymore, I don't want to be your pawn anymore, I want to quit."

Yi Xuelan's death caused a certain blow to Lan Tianhong, and it also brought certain trauma, whether it was physical or psychological.

He told his mother this, but he didn't expect that his mother would drug him in the wine and arrange the scene in the hotel.

Thinking of Mother Lan hugging him that night and saying that she felt the same way and could understand him, he was very moved.

But I didn't expect my mother's way of understanding to be so wonderful.

In the end, he was just a pawn in her hand.

Mother Lan glanced at Lan Tianhong coldly, hating iron and steel and said: "It's up to you, anyway, I am not only your son, Fei Ang has now entered Lu Sichen's company, as long as he is willing to help me, destroy Lu Sichen It’s a matter of minutes and seconds.”

Lan Tianhong's heart skipped a beat: "It turns out that you came up with this evil idea, I've always wondered why you let me fight against Lu Sichen everywhere, but didn't care about Fei Ang's contact with Lu Sichen, and even acquiesced.

It turns out that you had planned all of this a long time ago, and deliberately let Fei Ang and Lu Sichen get so close, just to let him be used by you in the future! "

God!Lan Tianhong suddenly felt that his mother looked so strange, could this femme fatale beauty in front of him really be his mother?

Lan Tianhong instantly wondered if he and Lan Feiang were the picked children.

Listening to Lan Tianhong's disdainful tone, Mother Lan frowned slightly: "You can say whatever you want."

Lan Tianhong thought of something and suddenly smiled and said: "Fei Ang will not listen to you, he will never listen to you, he did harm to Lu Sichen."

"Hehe..." Mother Lan smiled elegantly, "If I force you to die, or if I don't want to harm Lu Sichen but help him, do you think he will help me?"

Lan Tianhong shuddered when he heard what Lan Mu said, it was terrible.

Mother Lan looked at Lan Tianhong and walked away, "I'm not afraid of you telling Fei Ang, but if you really don't want to interfere, then don't interfere, otherwise if you step in, don't even think about going out, or if you want to watch I die!"

The word death made Lan Tianhong tremble again.

It's not that he's afraid, it's just that he doesn't want to lose, even if he never got it from the beginning, it's better to look at it from a distance than nothing.

"Don't worry, I won't ruin your affairs, I just hope you don't interfere in my affairs in the future." Lan Tianhong left immediately after saying this.

Mother Lan took a look at Lan Tian, ​​and then she really left like that, without looking back, her heart seemed to have lost something.

(End of this chapter)

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