kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 658 Woman, put your mind on me

Chapter 658 Woman, put your mind on me
Lu's mother shook her head, glanced at Lu Weijiang who had been silent all this time, and said to Bai Jiujiu, "Jijiu, I heard that Chen'er was also injured, you go back to take care of Chen first, it's fine for me to watch over here, tell me Chen'er told him not to worry, I will definitely give him an explanation!"

Bai Jiujiu wanted to persuade her, but seeing Mother Lu's tired expression, she couldn't help changing her words, "Okay, Mom, pay attention to your body, Da... I'll take care of Chen, don't worry."

"Yes." Mother Lu nodded reassuringly.

After Bai Jiujiu walked a few steps, Mother Lu couldn't help but said again: "Jiujiu, I'm sorry for the previous one, and thank you."

Bai Jiujiu opened the door, turned around and said with a smile, "Mom, the whole family is being polite."

After finishing speaking, he closed the door intimately.

After all, she is the uncle's mother. Although she was really too much in the past, one cannot always hold on to the mistakes of the past. Besides, she is the uncle's relatives, so how can there be overnight feuds.

But she never expected that Lan Feiang and Lan Tianhong's mother was someone who hid so deeply.

In terms of scheming, in terms of Chengfu, I am afraid that all the women Bai Jiujiu has met are inferior to Lanmu.

The arsenic of love, the madness of food.

The blame can only be blamed on Lan Mu being too persistent.

When Bai Jiujiu returned to Lu Sichen's ward, he only heard a crackling, the sound of something being thrown!
Bai Jiujiu rushed into the ward with his heart hanging, but unexpectedly saw Lan Feiang, who did not expect him to come.

"What are you here for?"

Naturally, Bai Jiujiu didn't give him any good looks. He stepped forward to check Lu Sichen's situation, and saw that his expression was still dark and terrifying.

"Uncle, I'm back." Bai Jiujiu hugged Lu Sichen tightly.

Lu Sichen squinted at Lan Feiang, his eyes were filled with cold flames and anger, and his voice was extremely cold.

"If you want a new world, you can tell me and I'll give it to you. But why did you want to get Lu's idea? You know that Lu's is my father's effort."

Lu Sichen stared at Lan Feiang coldly, his tone was cold enough to make people shiver.

"go out!"

Facing Lu Sichen, Lan Feiang felt guilty, "Brother, listen to me, everything is not what you think, and I also have difficulties."

Bai Jiujiu looked at Lan Feiang, couldn't help but smile, "What's the reason? You are just your mother's revenge tool."

Lan Feiang was stunned for a moment, "You, you already know."

"Your mother just went to find her parents with high spirits and told her about it. I was there at the time."

"Lan Feiang, are you just like this brother? Why are you doing this! Thanks to the fact that uncle still trusts you so much! How can you stab him in the back!"

Lan Feiang's usual laughing eyes were filled with a layer of sadness, "Brother, I don't want to either."

A sneer emerged from the corner of Bai Jiujiu's mouth, "Don't be hypocritical to me here, if you really cared about him, you wouldn't do such a thing, even so, he still chose to believe you and said that you would come and explain it to him.

Uncle really regards you as his brother, but what about you!What have you done!Wouldn't your conscience ache? "

After Bai Jiujiu finished speaking, he opened the door of the ward and made a gesture of please.

"Boss Lan, don't embarrass everyone too much."

Lan Feiang finally just sighed, bowed his head and left without saying anything.

Looking at Lan Feiang's desolate back, thinking of his radiance before, I felt an indescribable feeling in my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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