kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 663 What qualifications do you have to teach me

Chapter 663 What qualifications do you have to teach me
Mother Lan looked at the two people in disbelief, then remained calm and bit her tongue, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Ah Zhen immediately wanted to rush forward to catch Mother Lan, but was caught by the man in black. She could only growl, "I didn't expect you to be so vicious. You said that as long as I do things for you, get close to Lu Sichen and provoke Mother Lu." For the relationship with Bai Jiujiu, you will give me a lot of money!
And asked me to press my fingerprints and give you the contract while Lu Weijiang was asleep!

I did as you said!
But you!

He actually wanted to kill me!
You vicious woman, how could you do this!
I have done so many things for you, but you actually want to kill me in the end, you vicious woman, you must die! "

Mother Lan sneered at what Ah Zhen said, "Boss Lu, you are too funny, just find someone to wrong me? Do you have evidence? If you have evidence, you can speak out!"

"Hehe, this is not the only thing you did. I'm afraid you were the one behind the car accident." Lu Sichen laughed back angrily.

Mother Lan still pretended to be stupid, "I don't know what you're talking about!"

Lu Sichen was as indifferent as ice: "You really don't reveal anything in your work. She is not as simple-minded as you, but the other one is different. She is more careful."

Lu Sichen cast a sideways glance at Ai Xuanxuan.

Ai Xuanxuan hesitated for a while, but finally chose to stand up.

From the moment she appeared, there was no other way out.

Mother Lan can't beat Lu Sichen, so she can only choose a good tree to die.

"I have evidence. It was you who gave me the opportunity to enter the new world. Since then, you have been using this kindness to force me to do things. Just in case, I will have a recording.

Xia Wanli's death has nothing to do with you, you asked me to find a way for Xia Wanli to find that photo, and I saw with my own eyes that it was written by you. "

"And that note is exactly the same as the handwriting on the letter left in the car accident!" Lu Sichen's dark eyes were full of stormy anger, and his fingers creaked.

Mother Lan subconsciously swallowed her saliva, as if she was beaten to death and refused to admit it, "Even if the note is the same, it doesn't prove that the car accident has anything to do with me. Besides, the driver who hit you has nothing to do with me!"

Mother Lan made a few words to clarify the relationship.

"Hehe..." Lu Sichen sneered: "You know in your heart whether it matters or not, besides, any random piece of evidence I have is enough to keep you in prison for the rest of your life!"

"You!" Mother Lan had no choice but to turn her head to look at Lan Feiang, "Are you my son, let them bully your mother!"

Lan Feiang opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say. Should he ask his mother why he did this, or persuade his mother to give up?
Facing Lan Mu's expression of hating iron but not steel, Lan Feiang chose to give up and shut up.

Lu Sichen said to the black-clothed bodyguard standing outside the door: "Take her out for me!"

Lan Feiang immediately stood up and said to Lu Sichen, "Brother, no matter what she has done, she will always be my mother.".

He knew his elder brother's means, his mother had done so many things to hurt him, and with his elder brother's temper, that person would undoubtedly die.

But how could he just watch his mother die!
Lu Sichen glanced at Lan Feiang, his voice was cold with an elusive emotion: "I know she is your mother, so I just took her where she should go, that's all."

(End of this chapter)

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