kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 670 Unexpected Divorce

Chapter 670 Unexpected Divorce
"You, so it was you, and Yanmei was introduced to me by you. Could it be that you..." Lu Weijiang glanced at Mother Lu with an unbelievable expression, "Could it be that you two have plotted against me from the very beginning?"

Father Lan didn't answer directly, but said: "I never regretted this matter from the beginning to the end, because you don't deserve to have He Li."

Father Lan hugged Mother Lan and got up and glanced at Lu Sichen, "You are the most outstanding young man I have ever seen, you are better than your father, I am very glad that Fei Ang can stay by your side, I hope you will not be so angry because of this. As for the matter of your sister, I have been trying to figure out a way, now that science is very advanced, as long as we work hard, there may be miracles."

After talking about Father Lan taking Lan Mother away, Lan Feiang looked at Lu Sichen hesitated to speak, and finally said: "Brother, I'll go see my mother first."

He was worried about his mother, let alone his mother had schizophrenia.

Lu Weijiang glanced at Mother Lu, "Did you design it for me with him?"

Lu's mother glanced at Lu Weijiang, was silent for a long time, and suddenly wanted to laugh: "He is right, you are really not worthy of love."

After speaking, Mother Lu opened the bag and took out a divorce agreement, "Sign it, I don't think it is necessary for me to be with you anymore."

"What do you mean?" Lu Weijiang frowned, he had no idea that Mother Lu was already prepared.

Bai Jiujiu couldn't help trying to persuade him: "Mom, don't be impulsive."

Mother Lu showed a helpless smile and said: "Jiujiu, I'm not impulsive, but I'm tired, really tired. I thought he loved me, but found that he loves me, but he doesn't understand me. I'm so tired." Tired, we've been together for so long, decades of feelings can't withstand someone's instigation, hehe, do you think this is a kind of sadness?"

Bai Jiujiu was stunned speechless and could only look at Lu Sichen.

After pondering for a few seconds, Lu Sichen said, "I respect your choice."

Bai Jiujiu: "..."

She wants uncle to persuade her to fight!

Lu Weijiang was also irritated by the attitude of the mother and son, "Do you think I really can't leave you? You talk about divorce every day, even though I bowed your head, you are still the same."

After speaking, he waved his hand and left without signing his name.

When Mother Lu heard Lu Weijiang's last words, she couldn't help but smile wryly, like drinking cold water, you know whether you are warm or not, these words are not false at all.

"Goodbye." Mother Lu turned and left in the opposite direction to Lu Weijiang's departure, as if she didn't want to miss it at all.

Bai Jiujiu wanted to chase Mother Lu, but Lu Sichen took Bai Jiujiu's hand and said, "Let Mom calm down alone."

"Then Mom, will you miss it?"

Lu Sichen shook his head.

Bai Jiujiu couldn't help sighing, too many things happened today, it's time for everyone to have more space to calm down.

"You know the truth about the Lan family now, what are you going to do?" Bai Jiujiu looked at Lu Sichen with some distress.

She knew that this matter had always been a needle in his heart, and now that the truth came out, all of his brains came out, but it ended like this, she really didn't know what to say to comfort Lu Sichen.

Lu Sichen couldn't help frowning, yes, what should we do now?
Mother Lan has gone crazy. Although Father Lan is the indirect cause, he is Lan Feiang's father after all, and he and he are like brothers.

His mother was already crazy, if something happened to his father, how could he suffer it?

 Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass!Say the important thing three times, I hope the little cutie can feed the monthly ticket (~o ̄3 ̄)~Hungry and thirsty! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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