kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 706 A Flower Whiter Than a Lotus

Chapter 706 A Flower Whiter Than a Lotus
"It's a pity that she escaped without success. What's the matter? Let you come over and check or find out other news."

Tailu tightly grasped Lu Weijiang's hand, crying pitifully: "I don't, Weijiang, you have to believe me, I really don't."

Lu Weijiang watched Tailu cry into tears, and couldn't bear it: "Jiujiu, is there some misunderstanding?"

Bai Jiujiu took a sip of the breakfast that Lu Sichen had prepared for her, then smiled lightly and said, "Is there any misunderstanding? It will be clear when uncle comes."

Bai Jiujiu seemed to be smiling, but the smile was very distant, how could Lu Weijiang not see it.

Tailu wiped her tears, I felt sorry for her.

There was a sneer on the corner of Bai Jiujiu's mouth, he really knew how to pretend.

Hmph, she really wanted to see who Tai Lu's real identity was, but it was a pity that she didn't ask Jiang Yuanyuan for clarification yesterday!
But this Tailu is really calm, Jiang Yuanyuan's identity was exposed last night, and she dared to come back, so she must have a certain degree of confidence.

Uncle went out so early again...

After breakfast, the atmosphere at home was more dignified.

Lu Weijiang actually didn't fully trust Tailu either.

After a while, Lu Sichen appeared at the door, and Bai Jiujiu immediately stepped forward to greet him: "You are back."

Lu Sichen glanced at her and stroked her head for a long time, with a slight smile on the corner of his cold mouth: "I'm back."

Lu Weijiang looked at the two of you, and he, as a father, was completely ignored, and his face was a little unhappy: "Why didn't you say hello to me in advance when you got home?"

Lu Sichen ignored Lu Weijiang's words, and looked at Tailu instead, his cold and sharp eyes seemed to see through her.

"Who the hell are you?"

Tai Lu trembled all over, subconsciously grabbed Lu Weijiang's hand, moved the wheelchair back, and hid behind Lu Weijiang.

Lu Weijiang couldn't help frowning and stood in front of Tailu: "What are you talking about?"

"We were attacked by someone from Taiyuan last night. She is your sister, right? Why did you sneak into my house? Tell me!" Lu Sichen scolded in a cold voice.

Tailu was so frightened that she shook her head desperately and shed tears, looking extremely pitiful and innocent, "It's not me, I don't know, I didn't... woo woo... I didn't..."

Seeing Tai Lu frightened like this, Lu Weijiang couldn't bear it and asked, "Chen'er, could it be your mistake?"

"Wrong? Dad, don't you have any doubts? The time and place of her appearance are too coincidental. Just last night, her sister wanted to kill your son!"

This dad startled Lu Weijiang for a moment, and pulled him back to reality, no matter how Lu Sichen was his biological son, he would definitely not lie to him.

And he did have doubts about Tailu, Lu Weijiang slammed his hand at Tailu and said, "Tell me, is there a purpose for you to approach me?"

Tai Lu stared at Lu Weijiang with wide eyes, shook her head violently, her voice was a little hoarse from crying: "It's not me, I didn't, you, you all don't believe me, then I, then I will die for you to prove my innocence."

No one expected Tailu to be so decisive, the wheelchair hit the wall, and she passed out on the ground.

"Tailu!" Lu Weijiang immediately stepped forward and hugged Tailu in his arms. Here, the mobile phone in Tailu's pocket rang, and Lu Weijiang answered it immediately.

"What? Okay, I have something to do here, I'll go after I finish it."

Lu Weijiang hung up the phone, and stared at Lu Weijiang closely, with an inexplicable annoyance in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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