Chapter 708

The two stopped at the same time.

"Boss, he helped my sister-in-law escape!" Ai Yehe pointed out that the culprit, Gu Xiuyi, filed a complaint in advance.

Gu Xiuyi pulled up his clothes, and looked at Lu Sichen with provocative eyes, as if saying, it's me, what can you do to me?
"The loss will be deducted from the salary." Lu Sichen just issued an order with a blank expression on his face.

Ai Yehe smiled, "Thank you, boss."

Bai Jiujiu gave him a weird look, how can anyone be so happy with deducting money, thank you?

Ying Bao couldn't help but said: "Is your head showing off?"

Ai Yehe was a little too late to react, how could Gu Xiuyi get a salary?
Obviously deducting his money!

A trace of sneer appeared on the corner of Gu Xiuyi's mouth: "Fool."

A ray of fire burst out of Ai Yehe's heart, wishing to tear off his arrogant face.

Lu Sichen just glanced coldly, instantly extinguishing the anger welling up in Ai Yehe's heart.

Ai Yehe had to put down the fist he just raised.

Bai Jiujiu looked at this incompatible scene and had to smooth things over, "Stop messing around, uncle and I were assassinated last night, Gu Xiuyi, I have something to ask you."

Gu Xiuyi immediately went forward to look at Bai Jiujiu, but when he reached out his hand to grab her for a closer look, Lu Sichen blocked him.

After staring at Lu Sichen for a while, he could only take a step back unwillingly and asked, "What do you want to ask?"

He is not Lu Sichen's opponent, he must show weakness in the face of an enemy stronger than himself, it's not that he is inferior, it's just a matter of time, if he waits another ten years, he may not be worse than the current Lu Sichen.

"Why did you come here suddenly? Did you ignore Yin Erjiao? And what is your relationship with Yun Manni, or what kind of relationship did you have with her before?"

Bai Jiujiu asked two core questions at once.

Gu Xiuyi hesitated and finally said slowly: "Actually, I escaped, I told my foster father to find you Huiyun, but my foster father refused to let me, so I had no choice but to sneak out.

Yun Manni helped me a little when I sneaked away, and I have nothing to do with her, let alone contact her. "

"How could Yun Manni have such a great ability to help you escape?" Lu Sichen asked.

Seeing Lu Sichen's question, Gu Xiuyi was not very happy, but seeing Bai Jiujiu's waiting face, he had no choice but to continue talking.

"Yun Manni has a different status now. She married my adoptive father, and she is also my adoptive mother in name."

Naturally, Bai Jiujiu did not expect that Yun Manni, who is so high-sighted and low-handed, would marry Gu Xiuyi's adoptive father like this.

He wanted to ask Gu Xiuyi about his adoptive father, but because of his relationship with Lu Sichen, it was hard for him to ask.

Ying Bao couldn't understand it at all, but felt that the relationship was confusing. Yun Manni had heard it more or less from Bai Jiujiu before.

I couldn't help asking a question: "How old is your adoptive father?"

Gu Xiuyi replied: "Sixty."

Ying Bao made a sound, and all the water he had just drank fell on Gu Xiuyi: "Sixty? That Yun Manni is around thirty at most, your adoptive father can be her grandfather, and you still want to marry him? I'm afraid it's because of his thoughts. Not pure!"

Gu Xiuyi disliked staying away from Yingbao, and immediately took off the clothes that were sprayed on him, and said, "Naturally, her mind is impure, but so what, I don't know where she learned her vicious kung fu, and she forced me to My father coaxed me around."

Ying Bao clicked tut a few times and said: "You are big-hearted, you are not afraid that she will compete with you for family property."

(End of this chapter)

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