kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 714 You are so courageous, woman!

Chapter 714 You are so courageous, woman!

Lu Sichen's voice was still cold, but there was a faint hostility in the coldness, which seemed to be the calm before the storm.

Bai Jiujiu nodded because he thought his life was too long!

Bai Jiujiu shook his head like a rattle immediately, "How could I do this, I mean acting on the spot, just like I am acting."

Lu Sichen didn't say anything, just hummed coldly, the interrogative sentence was not an affirmative sentence.

Bai Jiujiu knew it was over, let go of his hand, and took a few steps back with a frustrated expression.

Lu Sichen didn't like to see her look lifeless, her eyebrows were fierce, and she was unhappy because of this incident, and her face was not very good.

"Other people's wives don't like to play tricks on the spot. They can't wait to tie their husbands to their bodies. It's better for you to let your husband take the initiative to seduce outsiders.

Jiujiu, did I spoil you too much? "

The voice was still as indifferent and cold as usual, except that there was no trace of tenderness, but Bai Jiujiu was inexplicably wronged, and hung his head in silence.

Seeing Bai Jiujiu standing there stubbornly, pursing his lips and saying nothing, Lu Sichen was finally defeated and waved at her.

In the past, Bai Jiujiu would take the initiative to hug him, but this time, Bai Jiujiu still stood there expressionlessly and calmly, as if he was angry.

Lu Sichen couldn't help sighing in his heart, obviously he was the one who should be angry, but he wasn't angry, but the other party was unhappy first.

Lu Sichen couldn't help rubbing between his brows, and finally stepped forward and pulled her into his arms, resting his chin on her forehead.

Bai Jiujiu didn't struggle or resist, but was surprisingly quiet.

Lu Sichen knew that she was angry, if he didn't untie this cold knot, he might be left in the air for a long time in the future.

"Do you have to force me to go to make you happy?" This time the words were no longer cold, but there was a hint of gentle helplessness.

After waiting for a long time, Bai Jiujiu said slowly, "I, I'm wronged me..."

"Huh?" Lu Sichen calmed down and tried to listen to her explanation.

Maybe it's because Lu Sichen's tone is no longer so cold, maybe it's because he took the initiative to subdue, which slowly resolved Bai Jiujiu's displeasure.

In short, she didn't like Lu Sichen's cold questioning tone. The words of over-indulging before were like a sharp and icy bayonet that hurt Bai Jiujiu's heart.

"Who likes to push out the one they love, right now, this is the fastest and most effective way.

I asked you to play every occasion, just to cooperate with me in a play.

In mom's current situation, if dad can't see the true face of that woman, he's afraid he'll be used without knowing it.

As juniors, we have the responsibility and obligation to remind, but whether the other party accepts or not is not within our consideration, and everything a person does must be worthy of the conscience of heaven and earth. "

After finishing speaking, Bai Jiujiu shook Lu Sichen's face, but held his arm again, "How could I not love you?"

This interrogative sentence was three parts shy and seven parts complaining, melting Lu Sichen's heart every second.

He directly kissed Bai Jiujiu deeply, and finally said, "I was wrong."

The inexplicable three words made Bai Jiujiu's anger go away, he hugged Lu Sichen tightly, and leaned his head in his arms: "I also have something wrong."

"What do you say, what should I do?"

Bai Jiujiu was not very happy when he heard Lu Sichen's concession, he just nodded and explained some things seriously, nothing more than eliciting Tai Lu to tell some truths and let Lu Weijiang know.

After thinking about it, I couldn't help but exhort: "You mustn't..."

(End of this chapter)

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