kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 727 How do you want me to compensate you?

Chapter 727 How do you want me to compensate you?
"Are you sure you want to shoot an underwear commercial?" Ai Yehe's mind flashed Lu Sichen sharpening his knife, and he couldn't help but shiver all over his body.

"Of course not." The uncle forbade her to take pictures, if she didn't insist, wouldn't she be beaten?
"give up?"


"...Then what are you going to do?"

Bai Jiujiu stared at Ai Yehe, and suddenly revealed a weird smile, which made Ai Yehe's whole body goosebumps stand up, and an inexplicable chill rose in his heart.

"Aiyou, what do you want to do?" Ai Yehe inexplicably had an ominous premonition.

Bai Jiujiu didn't say anything, put a hand lightly on Ai Yehe's shoulder, and said inexplicably, "I will make it up to you."

Ai Yehe had a big question mark on his head, what?

Although he didn't understand it, Ai Yehe felt nervous, when did Bai Jiujiu become as black-bellied as his elder brother?

It made him unable to guess Bai Jiujiu's thoughts at this time.

"I warn you, although you are my sister-in-law, if you go too far, I will definitely pat my ass and leave!"

"Of course not." Bai Jiujiu still had a gentleman's smile on his face. It didn't look pure and harmless, nor stunning, but it made people feel very comfortable. This was probably the magic power she possessed.

Ai Yehe knew that Bai Jiujiu's tone was much stricter than that guy Yingbao, as long as she didn't want to say it, she couldn't get it out no matter what.

He automatically chose to give up.

"Okay, tell me your requirements and attention points in detail. After signing the contract, there is no room for regret."

Although Bai Jiujiu agreed, but what Ai Yehe should fight for is still going to fight for it. I am afraid that Lu Sichen will really kill him with three points of truth.

Bai Jiujiu said a few requests, and then seeing that the agreed time had come, he got up and changed into a set of men's casual clothes.

"Where are you going?"



Ai Yehe couldn't help but wonder if he was getting old?Can't keep up with the rhythm of these young people?

In fact, he is only a few years older than Bai Jiujiu.

Looking at Bai Jiujiu's back, should he report it to the elder brother?Or hide it?
He felt that the consequences would be disastrous, so it was better to follow up with the investigation first.

Bai Jiujiu came to the coffee bookstore that he had made an appointment with before, and picked up a book to read when he was bored.

It suddenly occurred to her that Yingbao seemed to have written many types of novels, but they all had beginnings and no endings. She had read them and they really made people want to read them, but none of them ended.

I didn't finish writing this one, but I was inspired to write it down. Fortunately, she is not a fan of Ying Bao's books, otherwise she would be very angry.

"What are you looking at so happily?"

A crisp and gentle voice sounded in Bai Jiujiu's ear, he raised his head and maintained his own unique smile, natural and handsome.

"You came."

Ai Xuanxuan dressed very low-key, without heavy makeup, and she was pretty good without makeup. She was obviously a girl with a good foundation, but she was polluted by the big dye vat of the entertainment industry.

Each circle has its own game rules.

Can't change, only to adapt.

It is best to stick to your heart on the premise of following the trend.

Ai Xuanxuan sat down gracefully, took away the untouched coffee in front of Bai Jiujiu very bluntly, took a sip, and went straight in: "I can help you this time, but only if you can help me win Brother Yehe's heart. "

Bai Jiujiu twitched his eyebrows slightly: "This is too difficult, at most I..."

(End of this chapter)

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