kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 747 Undeniable Tenderness

Chapter 747 Undeniable Tenderness

Bai Jiujiu looked at the shining sharp knife, and his throat moved slightly: "Well, can I refuse?"

Gu Xiuyi pointed the knife at the wound and gestured, his eyes fixed on the wound: "No."

Bai Jiujiu: "..."

Gu Xiuyi pressed his fingers to confirm the position of the bullet, and Bai Jiujiu cried out in pain.

"Ah! Take it easy."

"It's here, hold on!"

Bai Jiujiu gritted his teeth, feeling the deep pain that if he didn't bite something in his mouth, he might burst his throat.

"Here." Gu Xiuyi stretched out his arm, "If it hurts, bite my hand."

"...No need, I'll bite..." Bai Jiujiu looked around, and finally tore off his underwear, rolled it into a stick, and bit it in his mouth.

Gu Xiuyi glanced sideways, didn't say anything, but advised: "Be patient."

Ai Xuanxuan looked at Gu Xiuyi's knife piercing Bai Jiujiu's flesh, the picture was so bloody that her stomach rolled and she ran to the side to vomit.

Bai Jiujiu was so hurt that his teeth were chattering, and he was in pain as he clenched his cheeks tightly, and he tasted a bloody smell in his mouth.

It hurts, it really hurts!

The tip of the knife pierced the skin and penetrated into the flesh, and she seemed to be able to feel the knife stirring in the flesh.

Drenched in cold sweat, Bai Jiujiu only felt that if the bullet was not taken out, she would faint to death in the next second.

"Hurry up, hurry up, bear with me a little longer, and I'll be out soon."

Bai Jiujiu bit the gauze tightly and nodded, wishing he could move faster.

It's better to have a sharp pain than to suffer slowly.

Gu Xiuyi picked up the sharp knife, and the bullet fell to the ground.

Bai Jiujiu immediately let go, let out a breath, and leaned against the wall, the pain made her feel weak.

Gu Xiuyi immediately put on the medicine and bandaged it, doing everything very skillfully, "Okay, don't use force on this leg, or the wound will be stretched open."

Bai Jiujiu nodded, and said involuntarily, "How can you still know medicine?"

"I used to get gunshot wounds a lot, so practice makes perfect."

What Gu Xiuyi said was calm, but Bai Jiujiu knew that there must be a lot of pain hidden in it.

After resting for a while, Bai Jiujiu felt that his strength had recovered, dragged his injured leg and said, "Let's go."

Gu Xiuyi immediately stepped forward to support Bai Jiujiu, but Bai Jiujiu directly pushed him away and said, "No, it's fine, I can do it."

Gu Xiuyi didn't speak, this was the second time she had rejected him.

Bai Jiujiu staggered and walked to the place where Jiang Yuanyuan turned and came in just now, stroking his hands carefully, looking for a breakthrough.

Both of them came in from this place at the same time, there must be something wrong here.

"Where is the exit?" As soon as Gu Xiuyi finished his words, Bai Jiujiu pushed and pushed the wall aside, and only after he walked in did he find that this was a secret door.

This secret door has a wall on one side and a mirror on the other. Once it is closed, no cracks can be seen at all. It is thought that this is a sealed road.

No wonder they had been spinning around in place before, as if encountering a ghost hitting a wall, they would always come to the same place when they walked around.

That's because they themselves are trapped in this closed space, and the design style is the same, so it's no wonder they can't get out.

Bai Jiujiu scolded Ai Xuanxuan who was squatting on the side: "Go!"

Bai Jiujiu's speed was too fast, she couldn't stand still due to the pain, and her body was tilted. If it wasn't for Gu Xiuyi's timely support, she would fall to the ground in embarrassment.

"No, no need." Bai Jiujiu wanted to push away again, but this time Gu Xiuyi didn't let go.

(End of this chapter)

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