kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 753 The Consequences of Offending

Chapter 753 The Consequences of Offending

Bai Jiujiu's leg was injured, but his hands were missing. Taking advantage of Yun Manni's distraction, he used the grappling martial arts that Lu Sichen taught her to directly turn Yun Manni's hand behind Yun Manni's back, suppressing her .

But Yun Manni didn't seem to be a vegetarian, she immediately counterattacked, and was very good at catching weak points, so she kicked Bai Jiujiu's leg injury directly.

Bai Jiujiu suffered from pain, and at this moment of relaxation, he was restrained by Yun Manni again.

Lu Sichen chased him until he was only three meters away from Bai Jiujiu.

But Lu Sichen was worried about hurting Bai Jiujiu, so he didn't shoot for a long time. He loved him deeply and was afraid of him.

If it were someone else, he would have fired a long time ago, but Bai Jiujiu didn't dare, because he wasn't 100% sure, so he could only bear with it.

But at this time, no one noticed that Gu Xiuyi had already walked behind Yun Manni, and made eye contact with Lu Sichen.

Lu Sichen said in a deep voice: "Yun Manni, if you hurt her again, don't even think about leaving."

Yun Manni said angrily: "Your woman is asking for this because of her misbehavior. How long will it take for my plane to arrive!"

As soon as Yun Manni finished speaking, the sound of the helicopter's propeller turning immediately came from the sky.

Yun Manni looked up and saw the private helicopter: "Quick, let it come down."

Lu Sichen gestured, and the plane descended slowly.

"Lu Sichen, if you don't give me the money I want, you will definitely die from poison. Don't blame me for not reminding you." Yun Manni was still thinking about the $1000 billion, but the smile didn't last long. He was knocked unconscious by Gu Xiuyi.

Seeing this, Lu Sichen immediately stepped forward and hugged Bai Jiujiu into his arms, immediately hugged him, ran to a safe place, and at the same time gave an order: "Kill!"

The scene was extremely chaotic for a while, full of gunshots and fighting.

"Uncle!" Bai Jiujiu hugged Lu Sichen's neck tightly, as if everything outside the court had nothing to do with her, all she wanted was Lu Sichen.

"I'm late."

Lu Sichen took out a necklace from his pocket, and the pendant of the necklace was the ring he gave to Bai Jiujiu.

He put it on for her himself: "As long as you don't take it off in the future, it will never fall off again."

Bai Jiujiu stroked the necklace on his neck, a happy smile appeared on his face: "Yeah."

Originally, she thought she lost it, but luckily she didn't. This is their love testament, and it was made for her by Lu Sichen himself, and it even saved her life. To her, it is a very special existence.

Lu Sichen's gaze fell on her bleeding leg wound, and he said, "Your wound has burst, bear with it, and I'll bandage it up again."

"It's okay, uncle, there's no medicine here..." Before Bai Jiujiu finished speaking, he saw Lu Sichen take out the bottle and was speechless. Do these men carry the medicine for their injuries with them?
It was only later that Bai Jiujiu found out that these were small military medicines, and they would only be dispensed during missions.

After Lu Sichen bandaged it, he couldn't help asking: "Who bandaged you before?"

"'s Gu Xiuyi." Bai Jiujiu carefully probed Lu Sichen's face, for fear that he would get jealous and angry again.

Lu Sichen was silent for a while and then said: "I will thank him for you some other day."

Bai Jiujiu breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly felt that the uncle had changed a lot. He used to blow his beard and stare at her immediately when he heard a man touch her. He was sweet at first, but...

(End of this chapter)

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