kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 771 Is this humiliating her?

Chapter 771 Is this humiliating her?


Bai Jiujiu was so angry that his fingers were trembling, he sneered, "So what?"

That's right, she was just pouting.

Lu Sichen didn't expect Bai Jiujiu to admit it directly, his dark eyes were filled with icy anger, "I said you are mine."

After saying that, Lu Sichen kissed Bai Jiujiu punitively. Bai Jiujiu could feel no emotion at all. Was this humiliating her?
Bai Jiujiu bit Lu Sichen's lip, and Lu Sichen shrank back in pain.

Bai Jiujiu took the opportunity to push Lu Sichen away with his greatest strength: "Don't touch me!"

Bai Jiujiu looked at Lu Sichen angrily, and couldn't help taking a few steps back to distance himself from him.

That disgusted expression made Lu Sichen startled, she had never looked at him with such eyes before.

——She hates you, huh——

The voice, that voice reappeared in Lu Sichen's mind.

Lu Sichen covered his head, suppressed, and stretched out his hand to hug Bai Jiujiu: "Jiujiu..."

There was a trace of guilt in the cold voice, a trace of flattery.

Bai Jiujiu saw that his expression was wrong, and immediately retracted as soon as he took a step.

Why did you forgive him so easily when you treated yourself like this just now?

That's right, Bai Jiujiu was angry, obviously he humiliated himself first!

"Well, are you okay?" Ji Mo followed up unconsciously, but he didn't expect to see the scene of the two quarreling.

Bai Jiujiu felt that he was an eyesore, but now, she wanted to leave Lu Sichen's side even more.

"I remember your car is here, take me away." Bai Jiujiu walked directly to Ji Mo's car, regardless of whether Ji Mo agreed or not.

Lu Sichen immediately chased forward, the voice in his head gave him a headache.

——Hehe, she doesn't love you anymore, you were abandoned, how pitiful! ——

"To shut up."

——Why don’t you give me your body, and I’ll love her for you——


Lu Sichen was still a step slower, watching Ji Mo leave directly with Bai Jiujiu.

Lu Sichen got into the car and wanted to chase after him, but he didn't expect the headache to get worse. At the turn, his hand slipped and the car collided with the car in front.

Lu Sichen's head hit the large air bag, and at the moment of unconsciousness, he murmured: "Jijiu..."

In the car, Bai Jiujiu panicked with chest tightness, always feeling that something bad happened.

"Are you okay? Does your face look so ugly?" Ji Mo asked worriedly when he saw Bai Jiujiu's pale face through the rearview mirror.

Bai Jiujiu's cell phone vibrated again, it was Ai Yehe's call.

He wanted to ask where she was again, and tell Lu Sichen her whereabouts, but now she didn't want to see him at all!

Bai Jiujiu hung up directly, and the call came back immediately, and Bai Jiujiu was so annoyed that he turned off the phone several times in a row.

In desperation, Ai Yehe could only send a WeChat notification.

My brother had a car accident.

Back at the hotel, Ji Mo still wanted to have a chat with Bai Jiujiu, but she thanked her and directly locked the door.

Ji Mo had no choice but to leave, thinking that Lu Sichen and Bai Jiujiu had a quarrel, and it would be a matter of time before they separated, so take your time.

He has plenty of time to chase.

He felt that Bai Jiujiu looked more and more cute, especially when he was angry just now, it was really... charming.

Well, once this person falls in love, the other person is the most beautiful in his eyes no matter what.

This is not false at all.

Bai Jiujiu inside the door was in a particularly bad mood. It would be strange if he didn't cut her off with the uncle's previous temper, but now let alone the carjacking, there is no one in sight. Is he angry with her?


(End of this chapter)

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