kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 781 It's all your fault!

Chapter 781 It's all your fault!
Ji Mo watched Lu Sichen take Bai Jiujiu away, unwilling but helpless, he could only punch the tree, his skin was broken and bleeding without pain.


Ji Mo didn't want to stay in the crew, he felt that the air here made him suffocate, so he drove back home directly.

But it never occurred to him that there was one more person in his private apartment.

"Zi Mo? You're back."

Ji Mo's surprise is more than surprise.

Ji Zimo glanced at Ji Mo and said with a smile: "Yes, I'm back to my brother, long time no see."

These two elder brother calls seemed to be the same as usual, but Ji Mo felt a chill in his heart for no reason.

Can't help but look at Ji Zimo, "You were sent abroad by Lu Sichen for recuperation, and now it seems that you are recovering well."

Ji Zimo trimmed her long nails, and blew lightly, "Yes, I have to thank Lu Sichen, if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't even know how good I am."

Ji Mo didn't understand the meaning of what she said, and always felt that she was weird, "You still thank her? What does he have for you to thank! You were sent abroad because of him."

Ji Zimo stopped her movements and stared at Ji Mo for a long time, with unclear emotions in her eyes, contradictory and complicated.

"Yeah, it's all because of him." After Ji Zimo muttered to himself, he said to Ji Mo, "Is it because of Bai Jiujiu that you are so angry?"

Ji Mo was stunned for a moment: "How do you know?"

Ji Zimo didn't answer his question, but said with a smile: "I might help you, brother."

"Can you help me get her?"

Ji Zimo smiled and said, "With my brother's charm, what's the problem with taking down Bai Jiujiu? Women are most afraid of stalking, brother, if you have a thick skin, this method is feasible."

"But Lu Sichen..." Ji Mo hesitated.

Ji Zimo's smile hides a bit of cruelty: "I'll deal with him."

Listening to Ji Zimo's words, Ji Mo couldn't believe that this person was his younger sister who had been hiding behind him all the time. Wasn't she treating her abroad?The change in this whole person is really too great.

Suddenly there was a cat meowing outside the house, and Ji Mo was puzzled: "Where is the cat?"

When Ji Zimo heard the cat meowing, his expression was a little strange, "My phone is ringing."

"Didn't you hate this kind of cat meowing the most before, saying that this kind of sound is too weird?"

"Brother, people change." Ji Zimo got up and said, "You should think about how to chase Bai Jiujiu."

Ji Mo watched Ji Zimo walk into a guest room with ease, and Ji Zimo's words kept lingering in his mind.

people change...

When Ji Zimo arrived at the guest room, he directly locked the door, and stuck it on the door to listen for a while, being very vigilant.

After confirming that no one is there, call back: "Is there anything the master wants to tell me?"

"Recently, a batch of goods has flowed into China, and you find a way to use your contacts to digest it."


"Also be careful with Lu Sichen, he is currently investigating this batch of goods, it doesn't matter if you fall into the ditch, don't get us involved."

"I know it in my heart, but you, Shao, are just a passer-by, what kind of a guy, don't speak to me in that orderly tone, you are not worthy in my eyes!"

"you this……"

Ji Zimo didn't wait for the other end of the phone to finish speaking, and hung up directly. Lying on the sofa, she was so angry that she slammed the phone against the wall, and the phone broke in half instantly.

Bai Jiujiu, it's you, it's you who made me like this.

(End of this chapter)

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