kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 790 This mouth is really poisonous

Chapter 790 This mouth is really poisonous

"The reason why she abandoned her was because she had no choice but to entrust you to your father because she thought she would die soon, but she didn't expect you to be abandoned and adopted in the end.

Don't you want to see her one last time? "

last side?Bai Jiujiu gasped, she was struggling in her heart, if she really didn't worry about her biological mother being a fake.

But if he admits it, then the initiative is all in his hands, so he can only listen to him.

"I just want to know how to cure uncle, but you talk about him with me, which only shows that you don't know at all." Bai Jiujiu got up and planned to leave directly.

Si Yin didn't expect Bai Jiujiu to be so smart. He really wanted to use the matter of Bai Jiujiu's biological mother to separate Bai Jiujiu and Lu Sichen, but he didn't expect that Bai Jiujiu's IQ was online, and he didn't succeed.

It seems that if he doesn't use his trump card, he will definitely lose this round.

"Lu Sichen has become a medicine man. If I really want to save him, I'm afraid I'm the only one in this world who knows."

Bai Jiujiu stopped, "Medicine man? What medicine man?"

Seeing Bai Jiujiu stop, Si Yin continued, "If I'm not wrong, what kind of medicine did Lu Sichen take to make him lose control of his emotions, and the name of the medicine is X102."

Bai Jiujiu sat back to his original position, he was able to name the poison, it seemed that he really understood something: "Do you really have a solution?"

"Of course, but..." Si Yin paused for a moment, and looked at Bai Jiujiu with a smile on his face. The smile made Bai Jiujiu feel goose bumps.

Bai Jiujiu said: "Say something quickly, it's easy to be hospitalized if you hold it in like this."

Si Yin said: "..." If it wasn't for Bai Jiujiu's usefulness, he really wanted to strangle her to death, who did he learn from with such a vicious tongue?
PS: Author: I learned from her uncle.

"I need something, you come with me to get it."

"Don't go."

"It's about Lu Sichen."



Si Yin didn't say the specific address, but said: "If you want to know, just follow me."

Bai Jiujiu was suspicious but didn't ask any more questions. In fact, she did have a lot of questions she wanted to ask Si Yin, but what was more important now was the uncle's illness, which had to be cured quickly.

Otherwise, it always feels weird, and I don't know if it will hurt the uncle's body.

Si Yin squinted at Bai Jiujiu, but sneered in his heart.

If you become a medicine man with them, you will be a medicine man for life, as if you have stamped your seal, and your status is extremely low.

There is only one way to save that Lu Sichen, and it lies with Bai Jiujiu, but naturally he will not tell.

Bai Jiujiu belongs to him, even if he doesn't want it, it will be ruined, his things are still his after death, and it is impossible to leave them to others.

"Why did you bring me to the beach?" Bai Jiujiu looked at the endless sea. The scenery was beautiful, but she had no time to appreciate it.

Si Yin took out a card from his pocket, black and gold, which looked high-end and elegant.

Bai Jiujiu watched as he walked up to a sand sculpture, and inserted a hole into a sand sculpture.

The sand sculpture turned around immediately, revealing a door.

Si Yin went in, put on a mask for himself, took a mask from the wall and handed it to Bai Jiujiu: "Put it on, otherwise it will be miserable if people see it after you go in."

Bai Jiujiu hesitated for a few seconds holding the exquisite mask, but put it on anyway: "What is this place?"

"Nature is a good place to buy things that are not available in the market."


(End of this chapter)

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