kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 794 The Heart Is Ruthless

Chapter 794 The Heart Is Ruthless

The corner of Bai Jiujiu's mouth twitched slightly, thank you for your size!Do you still think she is not messy enough?

She left the boy in the car so that the uncle would not see him!

This smile really made Bai Jiujiu take off his shoes and smash them at his face that looked like he was watching a show.

Lu Sichen's sharp eyes fell on the boy, and he asked coldly, "Who is he?"

Bai Jiujiu opened his mouth, only to realize that he knew nothing about this young man!

"This, this is a long story."

"It's okay, just speak slowly, I have plenty of time to listen." Lu Sichen obviously did not allow Bai Jiujiu to fool around like this.

Bai Jiujiu glanced at Si Yin who was out of the matter, and made up his mind to explain the whole thing clearly.

Si Yin was a bit surprised, but Bai Jiujiu was honest with Lu Sichen, without hiding anything.

After finishing speaking, Bai Jiujiu was stunned by Lu Sichen, "This is obviously a trap and you can't see it? Even if this man knows, he won't tell you, no matter what conditions you offer in exchange."

Bai Jiujiu pouted aggrievedly: "I, of course I know, but even if I know, as long as there is a glimmer of life, I don't want uncle to be in trouble!"

Lu Sichen reached out and stroked Bai Jiujiu's soft hair: "Who said something would happen to me? Don't worry, I will take care of it."

Lu Sichen looked up at Si Yin sharply.

Si Yin originally wanted to make things difficult for Lu Sichen, but he didn't expect that the two of them threw a pile of dog food, and it was himself who made things difficult instead.

After receiving Lu Sichen's hostile gaze, Si Yin naturally counterattacked, and he saw a pair of dark red eyes and that arrogant, evil smile.

It seems that this Lu Sichen will be swallowed up sooner or later, he just needs to wait slowly until Lu Sichen finally dies due to the madness of the medicine.

It doesn't take much time to think about it, as short as a few months, as long as a year.

Once Lu Sichen died, Bai Jiujiu would be in his pocket sooner or later.

"Then what do you do with this young man?" Lu Sichen glanced at the young man who had been standing silently.

Bai Jiujiu glanced at it and said, "This, I haven't thought about this yet."

"Then I'll handle it for you, Ai Yehe is in your hands." Lu Sichen said to Ai Yehe.

As soon as Ai Yehe approached the boy, the boy timidly ran to Bai Jiujiu's side, hugging Bai Jiujiu's thigh tightly, trembling.

Bai Jiujiu felt the softness of the boy's chest on his thigh, and was taken aback for a moment: "Are you a woman?"

The boy still hung his head and said nothing, his whole body trembling in fear.

Lu Sichen's eyes darkened, even a woman couldn't get so close to Bai Jiujiu.

"Ai Yehe took her down."

The cold order made the boy even more frightened.

Bai Jiujiu smiled and comforted the young man, "Don't be afraid, Sister Yehe is a good person, he won't hurt you, be obedient, follow him, and just follow his arrangement."

The boy hesitated for a moment, nodded his head lightly, and then left with Ai Yehe.

Si Yin glanced at Lu Sichen and said to Bai Jiujiu: "It's not peaceful recently, you have to be careful, your lover's condition will only get worse, and his death is not far away, my fiancée I have plenty of time And patiently waiting for you, after he dies, you will be..."

Before Si Yin finished speaking, a sharp knife flew towards him, and Si Yin immediately dodged, and the fruit knife thrown by Lu Sichen fell where Si Yin was just now.

Looking from this direction, Lu Sichen wanted to stab at his heart, wanting him to die.

(End of this chapter)

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