kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 796 Created a Distance

Chapter 796 Created a Distance

"I'll let you live a few more days, but right now, Lu Sichen, you won't be able to live long."

Si Yin dropped these words, hugged Bai Jiujiu and left directly.

Lu Sichen wanted to chase Si Yin, but he just wanted to hit the wall because of the headache. Fortunately, Ai Yehe who arrived in time found out and knocked Lu Sichen unconscious.

Ai Yehe looked at the broken fabrics all over the floor, the most important thing was the clothes on Bai Jiujiu's body, and then checked the monitoring of the ward, seeing Lu Sichen's rudeness, Bai Jiujiu cried out heartbreakingly.

A trace of resentment flashed across his face, he fast forwarded directly, and turned off the video when he saw Si Yin's figure.

When Lu Sichen woke up, his gloomy eyes returned to the coldness of the past. He looked around, and the first thing he said was: "Where's the little guy?"

Ai Yehe naturally knew who this little guy was referring to, but he didn't know what to say, so he asked, "Brother, you really don't remember anything?"

Lu Sichen frowned slightly, "What should I remember?"

"Brother, you have no memory of what happened last night?"

last night?Lu Sichen's eyebrows were knit together, his mind went blank.

Ai Yehe said helplessly: "Jiujiu was taken away by Si Yin."

"What! You didn't stop me!" Lu Sichen immediately got up, because the movement was too fast and too violent, he was very dizzy when he just stood still, and he couldn't help but put his hands on his forehead.

Ai Yehe handed Lu Sichen a USB flash drive, "Brother, you'd better read this first."

Lu Sichen took the USB flash drive and plugged it into the computer to have a look, his complexion fluctuated with the changes in the screen.

After a long time, Lu Sichen said slowly with a cold face: "Follow me and bring the little guy back."

"If I'm not mistaken, she should be training archery now, let's rush to the training room."

Ai Yehe's guess was indeed correct, Bai Jiujiu was indeed training hard and did not forget his mission.

And Si Yin was sitting in the resting place, staring at Bai Jiujiu's every move, which shows how strong the desire to possess is.

"Jiujiu." As soon as Lu Sichen opened his mouth, Bai Jiujiu lost his mind. The arrow missed the target and fell directly to the ground.

Lu Sichen stepped forward and wanted to hug Bai Jiujiu into his arms, but Bai Jiujiu subconsciously took a few steps back.

She could see that the uncle at this time was normal, but even so, with everything that happened last night vividly in her mind, she... was still a little scared.

Lu Sichen noticed that Bai Jiujiu was deliberately avoiding him, and his tone became even colder: "Come here."

Bai Jiujiu pursed his lips tightly, still standing there motionless.

Si Yin immediately stepped forward to block Bai Jiujiu, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth: "Lu Sichen, you didn't see that she didn't want to go back with you at all, do you want to force her again?"

"You don't need to worry about it!" Lu Sichen gave Si Yin a cold look, and said coldly to Bai Jiujiu: "Come here, Jiujiu."

The word Houjiujiu was spoken softly, as if the spring breeze was calling, a rare gentleness.

Bai Jiujiu couldn't help but take two steps forward. How could Si Yin let Bai Jiujiu leave like this, and whispered in Bai Jiujiu's ear: "As long as you stay with me for three days, I will explain to Lu Sichen after three days. medicine."

Bai Jiujiu paused for a moment, and questioned with disbelief on his face: "You said before that you could save uncle if you wanted me to accompany you, but I think you are just doing your own business, so why should I trust you?"

Having said that, Si Yin is the only one who knows about the poison at the moment, and Bai Jiujiu didn't speak too hard.

After all, she wanted uncle to return to his original state.

(End of this chapter)

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