Chapter 812
Ai Yehe said in a low voice: "He is your supporting role in this drama, and he is a PC with you."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner."

"Notice of a temporary change."

"..." The pursuit is tight enough.

Bai Jiujiu winked at Ai Yehe, and when he was about to leave, a group of reporters rushed out from nowhere and surrounded the way, shooting at Bai Jiujiu and Ji Mo.

But they were all questions to Ji Mo, and they seemed to ignore Bai Jiujiu.

Bai Jiujiu was planning to sneak away, but he never wanted to be caught by Jimo.

"This is my partner in the school drama before, Bai Jiujiu. Next, we will play another pair of partners in another costume fantasy drama. I hope all the reporters will support you."

Bai Jiujiu directly shook off Jimo's hand, but never thought that the reporter would point the conflict at her again.

"Are you dating Mr. Ji?" a new reporter asked.

Another reporter took a few glances at Bai Jiujiu and felt familiar, then suddenly thought of something and said, "You, aren't you the wife of Young Master Lu?"

"Young Master Lu's wife? In a private meeting? Does Young Master Lu know?"

"Are you cheating on Young Master Lu?"

The reporter's questions became sharper and sharper.

Bai Jiujiu clenched the glass in his hand, wishing he could smash the heads of these reporters.

But she knew she had to endure, and she couldn't run away, or God knows what these reporters would write.

She knew that in the past, the uncle would definitely not care and would believe her.

But the current Lu Sichen is uncertain.

If he knew about it, there might be some troubles.

"Mr. Ji and I just ran into each other by chance. Besides, my husband will be here later, so I hope you can gather some words." Bai Jiujiu smiled, and said to Ji Mo with a calm face: "Mr. Ji, since you don't Come here yourself, then just wait for me to have dinner with my husband, I think you won't mind."

How could Ji Mo fail to hear the irony in the words.

Ji Zimo clearly said that there is a way to provoke the relationship between Lu Sichen and Bai Jiujiu, but she doesn't know what her way is.

Ji Mo waited nervously.

Sure enough, Lu Sichen appeared after a while, and Ying Bao appeared beside Lu Sichen at the same time.

But Lu Sichen held a beauty in his arms.

Bai Jiujiu watched Lu Sichen come directly with Bai Xue in his arms, and took a deep breath to suppress the aching anger in his heart.

Ji Mo covered the smile at the corner of his mouth with his hands, and secretly poured medicine into Bai Jiujiu's cup while everyone's attention was on Lu Sichen.

Lu Sichen didn't expect it to be so lively, he glanced coldly, and finally fell on Ji Mo: "Why are you here?" His tone was full of disgust.

Ji Mo smiled disapprovingly, "Of course I met by chance!" Ji Mo bit the word 'encounter' very hard, with a bit of ambiguity.

"But it's you, Lu Shaoyan is very blessed, hugging left and right."

Lu Sichen frowned, looked at Bai Jiujiu with angry eyes, and wanted to throw Bai Xue directly.

But facing Bai Xue's pitiful look, as if Bai Jiujiu looked at him so pitifully, he put Bai Xue on the stool directly.

Bai Xue sat there with her head down.

Bai Jiujiu sneered in his heart: "When did you become so sympathetic?" The words were full of sarcasm.

"You asked me to come over to watch you eat?" Lu Sichen's expression was also extremely displeased, and he even secretly met with other men behind his back, and even ordered a table of meals.

(End of this chapter)

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