kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 839 This chapter makes him vomit blood

Chapter 839
Bai Jiujiu took the opportunity to withdraw his hand, and slapped Si Yin along the way.

Si Yin's face was slightly swollen, and his face was hot. He didn't care at all: "Marry me, so that our offspring's energy will not be exhausted."

Naturally, Bai Jiujiu would not give him a good face: "It's none of my business!"

"Jiujiu, don't you just watch the family decline and remain indifferent?" Si Yin never expected Bai Jiujiu to be so ruthless.

Bai Jiujiu snorted coldly: "Marrying you just because of a family's decline, ruined my life's happiness. Why? Besides, a family that relies on this to grow will lose if it loses."

"You, don't you have any sense of responsibility? Do you think that the family's decline has nothing to do with you? At that time, those opponents who regard our family as a thorn in their side will not easily spare our family!"

Bai Jiujiu frowned slightly: "I said you have a thick skin. You used to yell and kill me, but now you want me to be responsible. Sorry, I really don't care. Only when this disgusting race disappears." it is good."

"You!" Si Yin almost vomited blood from Bai Jiujiu's words.

Bai Jiujiu looked at the blue light gathered on Si Yin's fingers, and said with a sneer, "What? You think I'm useless and now you're so angry that you can kill me?"

Si Yin stared at the sneer at the corner of Bai Jiujiu's mouth, and finally slammed it heavily against the wall, "You don't understand at all, some things are not what you think, and we are just here to survive."

"Live?" The sneer at the corner of Bai Jiujiu's mouth deepened: "The dirty deal, and the development of harmful medicines, can you disregard the lives of others for the sake of your own life?"

Si Yin snarled at Bai Jiujiu: "What do you know! You haven't lived in our clan since you were a child, so you naturally don't understand the fear of our race's energy gradually disappearing! Our clan's life is not long."

"I don't want to know, and I don't bother to know. I just know that this kind of behavior is very despicable." Bai Jiujiu pointed to Si Yin's chest and said righteously: "I ask you, if your mother sacrificed her life to save the family, would you willing?"

A scene from his childhood appeared in Si Yin's mind. He didn't know whether it was anger or other emotions. His whole body and even his voice were trembling: "No, no, no, mom!"

Bai Jiujiu watched Si Yin suddenly knelt on the ground with no image and cried, and couldn't help hiding behind Lu Sichen, muttering: "What are you crazy about?"

Taking advantage of Si Yin's violent outburst, Lu Sichen wanted to knock him out directly, but he didn't expect that Si Yin would wake up and calm down with a palm.

Si Yin didn't expect that he almost lost control just now. He sat on the sofa beside him, resting his fingers on his forehead, "My mother has also become an experiment for the sake of the family. I haven't seen her since I was born. Our family members I don't know when the energy began to be exhausted gradually. Only the purest blood of our Si family can release energy. The elders decided that our Si family should bear the heavy responsibility of energy awakening.

Rather than saying that our Si family is a big family, it is better to say that our family is a pawn in the hands of the elders, and the mission and responsibility we shoulder are at their mercy.

There is no energy in your mother, but after she united with a mortal, the energy awakened.

It is not the combination of my clan, and most of the children born died young. In order to save you, your mother transferred all her power to you to keep you safe.

In order to avoid being discovered, your mother returned to the clan, and those elders asked our family to study your mother..."

(End of this chapter)

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