kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 860 Hmph, in a fit of anger

Chapter 860 Hmph, in a fit of anger

The director immediately arranged for the two groups of people to go to the next activity session, "Next, you will go to prepare the ingredients and buy vegetables by yourself. We will have someone follow the filming to ensure the authenticity. You can relax a little bit, and don't worry about cutting in the later stage."

Only when there is a lot of content can it be cut, and if there is little content, it can't be cut even if you want to.

Bai Jiujiu was arranged to search for ingredients with Lu Sichen, and Bai Jiujiu deliberately distanced himself from him, but he didn't expect that this place was really a place where no shit, and he also understood why the director said that he was looking for ingredients, not buying them!

There is no shop in such a remote place, so I can only look for it by myself, and I don't know where Yingbao has gone, whether Ai Yehe has found her, and whether she will be in danger.

Bai Jiujiu was walking absent-mindedly, but unexpectedly the person in front stopped suddenly, and Bai Jiujiu bumped into a hard wall firmly.

The touch felt familiar.

As soon as Bai Jiujiu looked up, he saw Lu Sichen, staring at her with cold eyes, "What are you thinking? So engrossed?"

"Xiangying..." Before Bao's words were spoken, Bai Jiujiu turned his head when he saw that it was Lu Sichen, and ignored him.

Lu Sichen narrowed his eyes slightly, his patience was limited, he squeezed Bai Jiujiu's chin with both hands, forcing Bai Jiujiu to look directly at him.


"Fuck you."

Bai Jiujiu was funny and angry for a moment, but he could no longer be indifferent to him, "Let go of me, it hurts!"

Pain word Bai Jiujiu bit hard, Lu Sichen knew she was pretending, he didn't pinch too hard, but he still couldn't bear it, and immediately let go of his hand, his concern was self-evident.

"Why don't you go to the neighbor's house to borrow some food?" Bai Jiujiu thought about making things difficult for Lu Sichen, although he knew it was not Lu Sichen's fault, but when he thought about how he kept promising his brother back then, now he has become like this The situation, how can she not be angry, how to face her friends?
Borrow food?Lu Sichen didn't expect Bai Jiujiu to come up with such an idea.

Seeing Lu Sichen's obviously unhappy look, Bai Jiujiu was happy in his heart.

Hence, Bai Jiujiu directly pushed Lu Sichen to the door of his house. In order to avoid his regret, he immediately knocked on the door. The door creaked open, and Lu Sichen really didn't even have a chance to refuse.

"Who is it?" It was an old man who opened the door.

Bai Jiujiu stood behind Lu Sichen and did not forget to give him a push.

"What's the matter?" The old man asked kindly.

Lu Sichen had a cold face, and it seemed that he was not someone to provoke, before he could speak, the door slammed shut.

Lu Sichen was taken aback, when had he ever been rejected like this?
Bai Jiujiu was also taken aback for a moment, and when he knocked on the door again, no one opened the door anymore.

Afterwards, whenever Lu Sichen came forward, he would basically keep the door behind closed doors.

Well now, it was originally intended to punish Lu Sichen, but Bai Jiujiu thought it was punishing herself!
If you can't complete the task, you really can't eat!
I don't know how long I walked, I didn't know the village, I didn't know the store, and I finally saw a restaurant!
Bai Jiujiu was so hungry that he walked in directly. The film crew wanted to stop him, but Lu Sichen gave him a cold look, and they stood obediently aside.

Bai Jiujiu didn't expect that there are still people opening restaurants in such a remote place, and basically there are mostly left-behind elderly and children in this village. How can it be possible to make money by opening such a restaurant?


Bai Jiujiu's stomach was protesting. Forget it, it's more important to eat. When he opened the menu, Bai Jiujiu planned to order something casually, but...

(End of this chapter)

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