kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 868 Who Do You Think You Are?

Chapter 868 Who Do You Think You Are?

But unexpectedly, in the next second, someone grabbed Ying Bao's arm and was suddenly pushed away.

Before Bai Jiujiu could react, he was pulled behind him: "Jiujiu, be careful, she's going to kill you!"

Looking at this back, Bai Jiujiu always felt very familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before: "Who are you?"

Si Yin didn't expect that Bai Jiujiu had already forgotten him: "You don't know me anymore?"

Bai Jiujiu looked at this handsome face, but really had no impression, so he shook his head.

"Don't you remember going to the island with me?"

"What is the island? Peach Blossom Island?"


Si Yin didn't expect the other party to erase Bai Jiujiu's memory, and it seemed useless to explain, "Be careful with her, she just wanted to kill you."

Bai Jiujiu watched Yingbao being pushed to the ground, and directly shook off Si Yin's blocking hand: "Brother, don't be joking, she is my best friend, you make me believe what a stranger said? "

"Ying Bao, are you okay?" Bai Jiujiu looked at Ying Bao with her head down, thinking that she was seriously injured. Just as her hand was about to touch Lin Liying, Si Yin grabbed her by the collar and pulled her back.

Si Yin pinched Ying Bao's neck: "I know it's you, get out quickly!"

Bai Jiujiu didn't expect that Si Yin would dare to touch her best friend and attack Si Yin, but unfortunately her speed was not as fast as Si Yin's.

In desperation, Bai Jiujiu could only grab Si Yin's arm by his sleeve and bite him mercilessly!
The blood was bleeding from the bite, and Si Yin didn't let go. Seeing that Ying Bao was about to die, a voice suddenly came.

"What are you doing?"

The cold and hostile voice silenced all movements.

Si Yin let go of his hand, Ying Bao was panting.

"Uncle!" Bai Jiujiu let go of his mouth and ran up immediately, looked Lu Sichen up and down: "Uncle, are you all right?"

Ying Bao regained her senses in an instant, her neck hurt so much, she just vaguely remembered that she seemed to be a little out of control just now, looking at the iron nail in her hand, she threw it away with some doubts.

Lu Sichen didn't speak, and stared at Bai Jiujiu coldly, with strange eyes.

Bai Jiujiu immediately explained subconsciously: "It's not what you think."

Without saying a word, Lu Sichen directly wiped Bai Jiujiu's mouth with his sleeve.

The action was very rude, and he didn't stop until Bai Jiujiu cried out in pain.

Bai Jiujiu covered his red and swollen mouth, blinked twice, and instantly understood that Lu Sichen was angry?
I'm going, just to save my best friend, why should I be so angry?
Bai Jiujiu immediately asked back: "What about you, why did you go there just now?" Leaving her here alone, she hasn't settled with him yet!
Lu Sichen's dark eyes flickered twice, and he put his arms around Bai Jiujiu's waist: "It's all been taken care of, let's go, they are all waiting outside."

From the beginning to the end, he didn't even look at Si Yin.

Si Yin was completely ignored, and his self-esteem was more or less hurt, but what made him strange was that Lu Sichen didn't seem to remember him either.

Si Yin recalled that day, when he went to see his mother for the last time, with pinholes all over his body, he didn't say anything, but after seeing him, he suddenly smiled and died with a smile.

Si Yin burst into tears and he didn't even realize it. It turned out that his mother was holding her last breath just to see him.

Seeing his mother become an experimenter, he suddenly understood how absurd the so-called elder's plans were!
He buried his mother, intending to rescue Bai Jiujiu and go to the elders to settle the score.

(End of this chapter)

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