kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 870 Uncle is too charming

Chapter 870 Uncle is too charming

Lu Sichen's eyes were fixed on Bai Jiujiu all the time, she was very beautiful when she was serious, no matter how she looked at her, she never got tired of looking at her, which made him fall in love.

Looking at the dishes she chose to cook, I already know her mind.

The mouth is not eaten and the heart is already sweet.

Bai Jiujiu suddenly raised his head and met Lu Sichen's cold and gentle eyes, as if there was only each other in his vision.

The two smiled knowingly, Bai Jiujiu's smile was bright and dazzling, and Lu Sichen's smile was cold and gentle.

The camera happened to capture this scene.

Wow!The unintentional interaction between the two is so exciting that I really want to fall in love.

Si Yin saw it in his eyes, and there was a bit of sourness in his heart, and the sour taste reached the tip of his tongue, and there was a bit of bitterness.

Bai Jiujiu was cooking, his bangs drooped down to block her view, and Si Yin immediately pushed it behind Bai Jiujiu's ear.

"Thank you." Bai Jiujiu thanked him naturally, and devoted himself to cooking, but he didn't know that the distance between the two was relatively close.

Someone nearby was upset and threw a throwing knife, which stuck in the door.

Si Yin blinked twice, then glared at Lu Sichen angrily: "What are you doing!"

"Sorry, slippery hand!" Lu Sichen said sorry, but his expression was not half apologetic, but a hint of warning.

Si Yin: "..." Hand slippery?ghost letter!

Seeing that although Lu Sichen was lying on the hospital bed, he didn't have the slightest decadence of a patient on his body, but instead lay down with the aura of a king, especially the contemptuous and provocative eyes of the king, which made Si Yin dislike no matter what.

They're all crippled, what's so awesome about it!
Si Yin was so angry that he wanted to grind his teeth, but there was nothing he could do. Of course, he would not really grind his teeth in front of the camera, but he paid great attention to his image.

As for Si Yin and Lu Sichen's invisible fight, Bai Jiujiu didn't notice it at all. The chicken soup was cooked, and Bai Jiujiu happily turned down the fire. Now all that's left is to wait. If it's a small fry, it should be very fast. When the soup is almost the same It can be fried, so that the dishes are fresh and the taste must be super good.

This seemed to be the first dish she officially cooked for the uncle. To be honest, she was a little nervous, wondering how it would taste?
"Crash!" The sound of a bowl breaking came from the shooting place in the next area.

Bai Jiujiu turned his face to look, and saw Ying Bao standing there silently, tears dripping down, holding the broken bowl in his hand, his fingers seemed to be cut, and the porcelain white bowl was stained red with blood.

Huo Weiting stood in front of Han Menglan, as if to stop Ying Bao and protect Han Menglan.

Ying Bao stared at Huo Weiting in a daze, holding the fragment tightly with her fingers, the sharp point of the fragment pierced her finger, she didn't even know the pain.

Bai Jiujiu stood directly in front of Ying Bao without saying a word, and angrily said to Huo Weiting: "What do you want to do?"

Han Menglan stood timidly behind Huo Weiting, clutching his sleeve tightly, her body almost stuck to him.

Facing Bai Jiujiu's reprimand, Huo Weiting remained silent.

Yu Wei immediately rushed up to Bai Jiujiu and said, "Hey, look clearly, it's obviously your assistant who made unreasonable troubles and wanted to hurt Han Menglan. If Huo Weiting didn't stop her, be careful and we will sue her for jail!"

"Prison?" A sneer came from the corner of Bai Jiujiu's mouth, completely ignoring Yu Wei's words, and he grabbed Ying Bao's bleeding hand and showed Huo Weiting: "You all hurt her like this, how far do you want to hurt her before you are willing!"

Huo Weiting glanced at Ying Bao's hand and couldn't bear it: "Does it hurt?"

pain?He still cares about her?

Ying Bao pointed at his heart with a wry smile: "It doesn't hurt like this!"

(End of this chapter)

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