kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 873 She Didn't Do It On Purpose

Chapter 873 She Didn't Do It On Purpose

Jiu Bao didn't seem to have seen this note, so without this note, would they have quarreled over it?
Will the relationship break down?
Thinking of this, Ying Bao couldn't help but startled.

"Then you have fun." Before Ai Yehe left, he took back all of Bai Jiujiu's Weibo account and some official accounts, lest Bai Jiujiu see something he shouldn't read and affect his mood.

As soon as Ai Yehe left, Bai Jiujiu stared at Yingbao: "Is there something you guys are hiding from me?"

Ying Bao thought her mind was seen through and frightened, she let go of her hand, and the note fell to the ground.

"Huh?" Bai Jiujiu stared at Yingbao, why did he react so strongly?

Ying Bao accidentally stepped on the note with his foot, and moved backwards, kicking the note directly under the sofa, Bai Jiujiu didn't see the heresy.

Bai Jiujiu was waiting for Yingbao's answer.

"No, no, I can hide something from you." Ying Bao felt guilty.

"No, why did Sister Yehe take away my Weibo account?"

It turned out that this was the matter, Ying Bao heaved a sigh of relief, almost thinking that Jiu Bao had seen through his thoughts.

Yingbao knew that Bai Jiujiu didn't have the habit of checking Weibo, so he definitely didn't know about it yet, but he could keep it a secret for as long as possible.

Yingbao shook his head: "No, Jiubao is not as good as we go to Taobao. I heard that today's discount is very big."

"Not interested, go out for a stroll!"

"Ah, go out?"

"Why not?"

Ying Bao smiled awkwardly: "No, no, of course." She hesitated whether to tell Jiu Bao.

But how to explain the fact that he just kicked the note under the sofa?

Ying Bao couldn't help sighing, forget it, anyway...she didn't mean it.

Bai Jiujiu naturally knew that Ying Bao and Ai Yehe had something to hide from him, but she didn't ask if they didn't tell.

Anyway, uncle doesn't know what to do, she also needs to have fun, be leisurely and leisurely, and can't stay at home like a bitter woman and feel sorry for herself.

And shopping is just an outlet for venting.

Before going out, Yingbao asked Bai Jiujiu to wear slightly masculine clothes, pretending to let her be her boyfriend.

Bai Jiujiu is happy with Yingding, after all, another part of shopping is to let Yingbao relax.

Although Ying Bao didn't say anything, Bai Jiujiu knew in his heart that after what happened last time, Ying Bao no longer showed all his likes and dislikes on his face as before, but now more emotions were hidden in his heart.

People's personalities do change.

"Ying Bao, do you really not mind?" Bai Jiujiu thought about it, and then picked the topic out, she knew that if those wounds were just covered up, they would rot over time and would not heal.

If there is only one way to heal the wound, face it directly instead of avoiding it. Bai Jiujiu has experienced it before, so he naturally knows that avoiding it is easier than facing it.

At that time, Ying Bao was by her side, so now she naturally wants to be by Ying Bao's side and walk out with her.

Ying Bao's eyes darkened when he heard this question, "Jiu Bao, if you say you don't mind, it's a lie, but when you mention his name, my wound is still hurting."

As soon as the words came out, Ying Bao's nose was sore, and tears rolled in Ying Bao's eyes.

"I know it's impossible for you to forget him all at once, but Yingbao..." Bai Jiujiu held Yingbao's hand tightly and said, "Remember you have me, there's no need to fight alone, no matter where you need me , I will rush to you.

If men are such creatures, if they are not good, then they are not necessary. For us women, we don't have to. "

(End of this chapter)

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