kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 883 Unfamiliar Politeness

Chapter 883 Unfamiliar Politeness

"I heard on the Internet that you were splashed with sulfuric acid, is it true?"

Bai Jiujiu nodded, and then comforted: "I'm fine, don't worry, it's just a small injury."

Lan Feiang stood at the door and looked at Lu Sichen, as if he had a thousand words to say, but when he spoke, all the words were reduced to two words: "Big...Brother." His voice was hoarse after being suppressed.

The last time we said goodbye, he was busy with company affairs. He hadn't contacted Lu Sichen for a long time, and he hadn't seen Lu Sichen for a long time. He felt guilty in his heart and didn't know how to face Lu Sichen.

Lu Sichen lowered his eyes and did not respond. Such an indifferent attitude was even more heart-wrenching for Lan Feiang.

Bai Jiujiu glanced at Lan Feiang, then at Yingbao.

Ying Bao immediately explained: "I just ran into him on the road. I was planning to go home, but he insisted on taking me to the hospital."

"Sister-in-law Jiujiu, are you okay?" Lan Feiang put the fruit basket in his hand beside Bai Jiujiu's bedside table, and greeted him politely.

Bai Jiujiu looked at Lan Feiang, he seemed to have matured a lot, and he no longer had the same carefree temperament as before, and said with a smile: "I'm fine, thank you Mr. Lan for your concern."

Lan Feiang smiled bitterly: "You're welcome."

Afterwards, no one spoke again, and then did not speak, and the atmosphere was so silent that it was suffocating.

"Since you are fine for a long time, I will leave first." Lan Feiang felt that he seemed to be the extra person.

"Wait, wait!" Bai Jiujiu opened his mouth, and everyone looked at her.

In fact, Bai Jiujiu hoped that Lu Sichen and Lan Feiang could get back together, after all, she could see that Lu Sichen didn't say anything, but actually treated Lan Feiang as his own brother.

And the previous things are all in the past, it is the grievances of the previous generation, it should not be involved in the present.

But for a while, Bai Jiujiu didn't know what to say.

At this time, the door suddenly opened, which just solved Bai Jiujiu's embarrassment.

Just thinking about who it was, I heard a familiar voice.

"Jiujiu, I didn't expect you to be here, it's so lively, ah, Brother Fei Ang didn't expect you to be here." Han Menglan walked directly towards Lan Fei Ang.

Lan Feiang took a few steps back, and naturally walked behind Ying Bao.

Bai Jiujiu was somewhat surprised by Han Menglan's arrival, but he also felt that it was reasonable. If she didn't take a look at such a big incident, she might be scolded for being heartless.

So she came here for show, not really caring.

And this kind of concern for dealing with this kind of show is the most tiring.

Han Menglan was sad to see Lan Feiang keeping a distance from her, but forget it, there are more important things to do today.

"Jiujiu, are you okay? I heard that you were injured, so I'll come and see you, is it serious?" Han Menglan wanted to go forward, but stopped a meter away due to the icy aura emanating from Lu Sichen.

"I'm fine, thank you for your concern." Bai Jiujiu kept smiling.

Han Menglan raised her eyebrows, but she didn't expect Bai Jiujiu to be so calm and didn't vent her anger on her. Wouldn't her next plan come to naught?

Since Bai Jiujiu was protected by Lu Sichen, she naturally would not use Bai Jiujiu to perform surgery again. There was not a ready-made surgeon in front of her.

Han Menglan directly turned her target to Ying Bao.

"As sister Jiujiu's assistant, you actually caused troubles for Bai Jiujiu everywhere, and now you are going to get Jiujiu into the hospital, what are you so worried about!"

(End of this chapter)

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