kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 889 What kind of friend!

Chapter 889 What kind of friend!
Ying Bao opened her mouth several times to defend herself, but seeing Ai Yehe's resolute attitude, she was disappointed and said: "I see, please tell Jiu Bao to let her take a good rest and take care of herself."

Ai Yehe watched Ying Bao leave in a daze and loneliness, feeling depressed, did he do something wrong?

Bai Jiujiu heard Ying Bao's voice but only saw Ai Yehe alone, and there was no one else behind him, so he asked, "Where is Ying Bao?"

"She was frightened by this incident. She just asked me for leave and said that she wanted to go home and rest for a few days, so that you can pay attention to your body."

Bai Jiujiu didn't doubt him, and understood very well: "That's okay, Ying Bao is most afraid of these things, and she was indeed frightened today, so it's good to go home and rest for a few days."

"By the way, I have something to discuss with you." Ai Yehe showed a flattering smile, making Bai Jiujiu's heart shudder.

"What's the matter?"

"Don't tell Lu Sichen about your injury..."

Before Ai Yehe finished speaking, Bai Jiujiu's cell phone vibrated, and the word "Uncle" was displayed on it, and Lu Sichen's call came.

Ai Yehe immediately made a gesture of please, which made Bai Jiujiu a little funny.

As soon as he picked up the phone, he heard Lu Sichen's cold and reproachful voice.

"so long."

"I just went to the toilet and didn't hear it."

"...Come home with me."

Bai Jiujiu heard the abnormality in Lu Sichen's voice.

"What's the matter, is it Dad..."

"Waiting for you at the company." After finishing speaking, the phone was hung up.

Bai Jiujiu couldn't help frowning, could it be that something happened at home?

She remembered that Lu Weijiang was infected with drugs and had been treated separately in the hospital. She had seen Lu's mother accompany her before, and she looked very haggard, but she was in good spirits. Recently, there were too many things, so she forgot to go with Lu Sichen. to visit.

"Sister Yehe, I'm going to find my uncle for the discharge operation."


Ying Bao didn't go home, but just walked aimlessly, passed by a park, and sat casually on a rest chair.

She didn't know why her heart was so tired, she couldn't help rubbing her temples, she knew that Ai Yehe was suspicious of her, but how could she hurt Bai Jiujiu?

"What's the matter, are you very sad, obviously you didn't do it yourself, but you are suspected?"

A voice suddenly sounded in Ying Bao's ear, and he raised his head vigilantly. Seeing that it was Han Menglan, he suddenly understood something: "It's you! You replaced the real snake, and you borrowed my hand to harm Jiu Bao!"

Han Menglan smiled disapprovingly, "So what if it's me? So what if it's not me? The key is that they don't believe you."

"Jiu Bao won't doubt me!" Ying Bao didn't believe it.

"Really?" Han Menglan smiled innocently: "If Bai Jiujiu really believed in you, why would he let you out?"

"She...she might not know..." Ying Bao became more confident as he spoke.

"Really?" Han Menglan put her finger on Ying Bao's shoulder, "If she really cares about you, she should keep you by her side at this time to show her trust in you, but she doesn't, which is enough to show that you don't care about her. Hehe, what kind of friends are you guys like that?"

'Hehe, let's see that others have seen through it, but you don't know it yourself. Listen, listen to what others say. Bai Jiujiu doesn't regard you as a friend at all. '

The voice that had been disappearing appeared again, and Ying Bao lost control of his emotions and roared: "You are talking nonsense, you are talking nonsense!"

Han Menglan didn't expect Yingbao to be so emotional that she took several steps back in fright.

(End of this chapter)

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