kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 900 Be responsible for it

Chapter 900 Be responsible for it
Bai Jiujiu likes cute things, but he doesn't really like keeping them. Juanjuan was just an accident, but since he took it in, he must be responsible for it.

She was very worried that if she let it go into the mountains, she might be caught again and eat the flesh. Moreover, it was just her endorsement and publicity, which was not strong enough. Her popularity was not very high. Although she occasionally appeared on popular searches, people The focus is on her private life, and she doesn't care about wildlife protection. She should find a way...

Bai Jiujiu caressed the pangolin, and suddenly an idea flashed into his mind, he immediately grabbed Ai Yehe and said, "I suddenly have an idea, help me open a Weibo account, let him speak for myself, maybe there will be a shooting scene , you can take more photos at that time, and when the drama is publicized, Juanjuan’s Weibo will go online, I will bring Juanjuan to the camera for more events in the future, or artists from other companies will do, let Juanjuan participate in more activities, Appear more often in front of people's cameras. In this way, whether it is influence or other aspects, the effect is definitely better than what I unilaterally promoted.

After everyone accepts Juanjuan, then use Juanjuan to promote the concept of protecting wild animals and caring for animals, and engrave this concept in people's minds, making them feel that eating such cute animals is a sin, so that the source is stopped, there is no The source of profit, naturally no one will fight and kill those animals, what do you think? "

Ai Yehe froze for a moment, he didn't expect Bai Jiujiu to come up with such a good idea, "It's pretty good, I will report this idea to my elder brother when I return to the company."

Speaking of Lu Sichen, Bai Jiujiu's eyes instantly faded, his mouth twitched, and finally he just sighed softly.

But Ai Yehe still heard clearly, the original words were: I don't know why the uncle came to visit the class, maybe he was too busy and mentally exhausted to forget me.

Ai Yehe used to think that the two of them cared more about Bai Jiujiu than his elder brother, but now it seems that Bai Jiujiu cared no less than his elder brother.

"Where's Ying Bao?" Bai Jiujiu suddenly remembered that she seemed to have not looked at her since the shooting: "What did you arrange for her to do?"

Ai Yehe sneered: "Xiaoyou, how would I know, I'm not her nanny."

Bai Jiujiu: "..." I had no choice but to send Ying Bao a WeChat message.

Where are you, come back quickly.

At this time, Ying Bao was with Han Menglan.

Seeing the text message from Bai Jiujiu, Han Menglan said, "Hurry up and go back, don't make her suspicious, don't forget what I just said."

Ying Bao didn't say anything, but when he turned around, an extremely weird smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The crew came to another shooting location, surrounded by deserts. They wanted to shoot a thrilling process of falling into a tomb. For the sake of authenticity, they came to the real desert center to shoot. Even the director couldn’t guarantee that this place would be perfect. Totally safe.

And in this filming theater, it happened that Han Menglan and Bai Jiujiu fell into the tomb during the quarrel, that is to say, there will be fighting scenes between the two of them. Bai Jiujiu has some background because he was trained by Lu Sichen before. Therefore, the martial arts movements taught were quickly mastered, but Han Menglan seemed to be struggling. In desperation, the director only asked Bai Jiujiu to help Han Menglan more.

After all, the time for shooting is limited. The longer the time, the more unsafe it is. Under such a strong sun, I am afraid that I will suffer from heat stroke without dehydration. No matter who is sick, the subsequent shooting may have to be postponed.

(End of this chapter)

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