kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 909 It's so nice to have you!

Chapter 909 It's so nice to have you!

After speaking, Bai Jiujiu's face was a bit shy.

Lu Sichen directly turned off the lights and drew the curtains. He waited for a long time for this moment.

Recalling the first encounter, after such a long time and so many tribulations, they finally came together hand in hand. Thinking that Bai Jiujiu was about to belong to him completely, he felt a little excited.

"No matter what happens in the future, I will be by your side. In this life, I will only belong to you."

"Me too, uncle, I really love you very much. Meeting you is the happiest thing in my life. It's great to have you..."

The night is dark, some families are happy, some are sad.

But Bai Jiujiu did not expect that her ordeal was the real beginning.

After the filming ended, Bai Jiujiu returned home, but he didn't expect that there was another person in his family, and that was Mother Lu.

"Mom, why are you here?"

When Mother Lu heard the words, she said angrily, "Why doesn't this family welcome me?"

"No, no, no, mom, that's not what I meant." Bai Jiujiu never thought that Lu Sichen would forget to tell her such an important matter.

In fact, Lu Sichen was so busy there that he didn't know about it at all. It was Lu's mother who came here on purpose when she heard that Bai Jiujiu was coming back.

Lu's mother said, "It's fine if it doesn't mean that. My wife is gone, and I will live in this house from now on."

Bai Jiujiu was silent. In fact, she felt that the world between her and the uncle had just begun. She didn't really agree with it in her heart, but she had no room for objection, regardless of emotion or reason.

Mother Lu saw Bai Jiujiu's hesitation: "Why don't you want to?"

Bai Jiujiu smiled awkwardly: "No, no."

Mother Lu snorted coldly: "You think I'd like to live with you. I'm here to supervise my future grandson. Chenchen is the only son. Since you married into the Lu family, it's your duty to carry on the family line. When will you When the child grows up, I will live with him, and I can be considered worthy of the Lu family."

"But mom, I don't want to..."

"What don't you want? Don't you want to have children? Do you know that if Lu Sichen didn't like you, I would have kicked you out of the Lu family a long time ago! Back then, the old man didn't agree, and neither did my wife. If you really talk about it, Bai Jiujiu you It's the murderer who killed the old man and my wife, why don't you want to have a grandson now, you want our Lu family to have no children and grandchildren!!!!"

Bai Jiujiu was silent, she didn't expect that Mother Lu had been blaming her for the deaths of these two people, and it was meaningless to continue arguing with her, so Bai Jiujiu stood up and said, "Mom, I suddenly thought that there is something to do with the company, I'll go back to the company first."

Mother Lu naturally knew that Bai Jiujiu was looking for an excuse to leave, she was not in a hurry, she had already moved in anyway, she had plenty of time to take her time.

In fact, Bai Jiujiu just got off the plane and wanted to go home to rest, but in this situation, she couldn't rest well, so she had to rush back to the company without stopping.

Ai Yehe was a little surprised to see Bai Jiujiu: "You are so dedicated? If you don't have a schedule today, you can go home and have a rest."

"What are you resting for? Mother Lu is blocking me at home. I managed to escape. Where is your office? Let me sleep first."

Ai Yehe pointed subconsciously, and Bai Jiujiu walked over directly, slept on the sofa, and fell asleep after a while.

In desperation, Ai Yehe had no choice but to cover Bai Jiujiu with a quilt, and closed the door of his office to avoid disturbing Bai Jiujiu from the noise outside.

(End of this chapter)

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