kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 916 Don't Touch My Woman

Chapter 916 Don't Touch My Woman
She is my woman, no one can touch her!
How could Bai Jiujiu not feel it, she coughed twice, and said to them, "Then, I'll go back first, see you another day."

Lu Sichen turned to leave with Bai Jiujiu in his arms, and cast a cold glance at Gu Xiuyi before leaving, as if carrying a hint of warning.

Gu Xiuyi was just drinking coffee, while Jian Aiwei was already dripping with cold sweat. She could feel the cold rage emanating from Lu Sichen's body. It was obvious that Bai Jiujiu was his bottom line. Anyone who touched this bottom line would undoubtedly provoke anger This cold-faced Hades.

"You take care of yourself." Jane Ivy sympathized.

In fact, she thinks that Gu Xiuyi is really miserable, but she doesn't think it's so miserable that he likes Bai Jiujiu. After all, she has also been attracted to Bai Jiujiu, but when she disguised herself as a man, it also showed that Bai Jiujiu has her extraordinary charm place.

It's a pity that his opponent is Lu Sichen. It's not that Gu Xiuyi is bad, on the contrary, Gu Xiuyi is very good. His means and ability are not inferior to Lu Sichen's. It's a pity that he is more than ten years less mature and stable than Lu Sichen. , if the two are compared after ten years, I am afraid they will be on par.

Hey, both Shengyu and He Shengliang.

"You don't have to worry about me, it's better to worry about yourself, how can you deal with Ai Yehe, your problem is actually much more serious than mine."

Jane Aiwei didn't take it seriously, she always felt that Ai Yehe had feelings for her, otherwise she wouldn't save her with her life.

"Okay, you chase your people, I chase mine, we don't interfere with each other."

Jane Aiwei decided to drink milk tea, the coffee was too bitter, she didn't like the taste, besides, just sitting there was almost turned into lemon juice, she had to eat something sweet to make it up.

Gu Xiuyi was still sitting there, looking out of the window in a daze, a figure flashed, and when he came back to his senses, he saw a girl sitting opposite her, with a sneer on the corner of her mouth, which seemed to be sympathetic and disdainful .

"You are?" Gu Xiuyi looked her up and down, his face was chubby, and his appearance was indeed somewhat cute: "Ying Bao?"

Ying Bao smiled and said, "She really tells you everything, hello, my name is Lin Liying."

Yingbao stretched out his hand.

Gu Xiuyi raised his eyebrows, he could tell that Bai Jiujiu was very fond of this Yingbao, since he was Jiujiu's best friend, he would naturally not reject it.

"Gu Xiuyi." Gu Xiuyi shook his hand politely, and quickly withdrew his hand: "Looking at your posture, I thought you knew me."

Ying Bao shook her head: "Jiu Bao didn't tell me about you. I just realized now that we seem to be on good terms, but she doesn't tell me everything, such as the things between you and her."

These words seemed to have other meanings, Gu Xiuyi didn't answer, but just took a sip of his coffee.

Ying Bao didn't care either, she came here for another purpose today.

"It's not that you like Jiubao, I have a way to make you two together."

"Oh." Gu Xiuyi raised a little interest: "What can you do?"

"Just listen to me obediently..."

"Sorry, no."

Ying Bao was very surprised, she didn't expect Gu Xiuyi to refuse directly, which was beyond her expectation, "Don't you like her?"

"Yes, but I never trust others, never!"

Gu Xiuyi's confident expression made Ying Bao's teeth itch inexplicably, and she really wanted to know how far this Gu Xiuyi's feelings for Bai Jiujiu had reached.

Why, why did she love so hard and was betrayed.

(End of this chapter)

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