kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 924 Only know how to cherish after losing

Chapter 924 Only know how to cherish after losing
The phone in his pocket kept vibrating. In desperation, Ying Bao took it out and took a look. He noted the word male scum, and it was him again!Huo Weiting.

In the past, she sent countless text messages and made countless phone calls, but he didn't even bother to reply one, but now it's the other way around, he bombards her with text messages and calls every day, which makes her feel a little complicated.

If you don't read the text message, delete it all!
Put the phone number directly into the blacklist, of course Weiting Huo will definitely call again.

In the end, Ying Bao still cared about him to some extent, otherwise he would just change the number.

She just didn't want, didn't want to forgive him so easily. In short, feelings are simple and complicated, especially for a hurt heart, it is impossible to make it simple.

In the past, she kept chasing him, but he didn't know how to cherish it, but now... huh!

Sure enough, people can only see what they want after losing it.

Forget it if Jiu Bao is not fulfilled, this thought popped up, and the blackness between Ying Bao's brows began to grow thick, swallowing her compassion and magnifying the dark side deep in her heart.

No, we can't let it go. Since we are best friends, Jiu Bao, shouldn't we share the difficulties together?

In the final analysis, those oaths are just hypocritical lies, and only actions are the most real.

For a long time, I would risk my life for you, but I really want to know who you would choose between me and Lu Sichen!
Ying Bao didn't know that when that moment really came, she would regret it too late.

Bai Jiujiu followed behind Lu Sichen anxiously. She felt guilty. After all, she promised her uncle to stay away from Gu Xiuyi, but sometimes it's normal to make friends. Besides, she and Gu Xiuyi didn't have that kind of ambiguous behavior. They were innocent. of!
And she has always treated Gu Xiuyi as her younger brother, right!Why is she guilty?

It seemed that he really had something to do with Gu Xiuyi.

Thinking of this, Bai Jiujiu immediately lifted his lowered head a little, and glanced at Lu Sichen.

The handsome side face seems to be 360 ​​degrees without dead ends. It looks good no matter from any angle, and it is durable. The more you look, the better it is. It is the mature charm of a man exuding from the bones. From the chin to the tip of the nose to the forehead, the fingers can't help it Gently depicting stroke by stroke, but these are all hers now.

The corners of Bai Jiujiu's mouth could not help but rise, why did she have an inexplicable sense of pride.

Bai Jiujiu didn't take two steps, when his head touched a hard, familiar smell.

"What are you thinking about? You're so preoccupied." Lu Sichen looked at Bai Jiujiu's smirk, but didn't know why.

"No, no." Bai Jiujiu said haha, can't you just smirk just because you are handsome?Doesn't that make you look stupid?

Lu Sichen glanced coldly, believing her to be strange, but he didn't go any further.

"Uncle, why do you dislike my relationship with Gu Xiuyi so much? In my eyes, he is just a child. Could it be..." Bai Jiujiu laughed: "Are you scared?"

afraid?Lu Sichen pinched Bai Jiujiu's chin, "It's just a brat, what's so scary."

Bai Jiujiu looked disbelieving, but said: "Yes, yes, no fear, no fear!"

The attitude was extremely perfunctory, why couldn't Lu Sichen hear it?
"..." She always has a way to make him unhappy, but he has nothing to do.

The actions of the two attracted the attention of passers-by.

Bai Jiujiu also felt that the actions of the two of them were too ambiguous: "Uncle, let me go first."

(End of this chapter)

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