kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 926 Uh, I Really Want to Swear

Chapter 926 Uh, I Really Want to Swear
After all, Ying Bao acted like she had promised before, saying that she would do the work of Bai Bai Jiujiu.

Presumably, the communication between young people would be smoother, but even so, she still pricked up her ears to eavesdrop on the situation in the kitchen.

"Jiu Bao, what are you doing here?" Bai Jiujiu pulled Ying Bao to sit on the sofa.

"It's not an important thing, it's just..." Ying Bao glanced sideways at Lu Sichen and whispered in her ear: "Your mother-in-law persuaded me to tell you about the pregnancy."

Bai Jiujiu frowned immediately. To be honest, having a child was originally a very beautiful and sacred thing, but now she felt like a task, reminding her all the time.

It is a very painful thing for a woman to take this natural thing as a task.

And it didn't take long for Bai Jiujiu to transform from a woman, and she doesn't really want children now.

She feels that she is not very mature, how can she take care of a family?How to be responsible for children?
"I don't think about it for now."

Ying Bao didn't seem surprised at all, and said, "Look at you, you're still young, only in your 20s, but Young Master Lu is over 30, so if you're not thinking about yourself, you're thinking about Young Master Lu, maybe you want him to grow old? "

Bai Jiujiu frowned, "He won't mind."

"Really?" Ying Bao didn't believe it.

Bai Jiujiu turned directly to Lu Sichen: "Honey, are you marrying me for the sake of your child?"

Lu Sichen was taken aback for a moment. Although he didn't know what the two were talking about, he could feel that Bai Jiujiu was in a bad mood.


Lu Sichen kissed Bai Jiujiu's forehead: "Don't think about it."

Bai Jiujiu's frowned eyebrows instantly relaxed, and with a slight smile on her face, she knew that her uncle was the best. "

This cold tenderness made Ying Bao jealous. She really wanted to provoke the relationship between the two, but right now she couldn't interfere too much, otherwise Bai Jiujiu would find out.

Ying Bao rolled her eyes naturally, "Come on, don't show your affection in front of me." One day you will cry.

Mother Lu came out with a fruit plate, seeing Ying Bao shrugged her shoulders, knowing that her persuasion was ineffective, so she changed the subject.

"Chen'er, I don't feel well recently."

"Mom, what's wrong with you?" Bai Jiujiu asked with concern.

Lu Sichen also looked over.

Lu's mother clutched her chest, "These days, my chest is tight."

"I'll call the family doctor to show Mom right away." Bai Jiujiu arranged quickly, but was grabbed by Lu's mother: "No, no need, it may be an old problem, Jiujiu, someday you will go to the hospital with me to see Check it out."

Lu Sichen's eyelids twitched slightly, he seemed to have seen something, he pursed his lips and did not speak.

Bai Jiujiu didn't think much about it: "Well, Mom, I'll accompany you tomorrow."

Lu's mother didn't expect it to go so smoothly, and she beamed with joy: "Well, you go to bed early today, Chen'er, don't move for a long time tonight."

Lu Sichen raised his eyebrows, but didn't say anything.

Ying Bao got up immediately: "Then I'll go first, goodbye Aunt Lu."

Lu's mother smiled and said, "Okay, okay, I will come to play often in the future! Please give it to me after a long time."

Seeing Lu's mother's attitude towards Ying Bao, Bai Jiujiu couldn't help asking in a low voice, "When did your relationship become so good?"

Ying Bao patted Bai Jiujiu's shoulder: "You, if you have time to care about this, why not worry about going to the hospital tomorrow, rest well tonight, and have a good body to meet the good examination."

(End of this chapter)

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