kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 929 Unbearable!

Chapter 929 Unbearable!

"You really think of yourself as the head of the Lu family? If it wasn't for Chen'er to marry you, what qualifications do you have? What's wrong with asking you to check your body? What's wrong with asking you to have a baby early? I'm all for you Good! Why are you so ignorant!"

Seeing more and more people gathered together, Bai Jiujiu took a deep breath and tried to calm down his thoughts: "Mom, I still have to defend my thesis, I have to go back quickly."

After saying this, Bai Jiujiu exhausted all his strength.

"The thesis defense is important, but the body is more important! You are not allowed to go, you must have an inspection today!" Lu's mother was determined, how could she let everyone go after being tied up.

"Mom!" Bai Jiujiu was so angry that his fingers were trembling, "Mom, I have to go back. If I didn't participate in the thesis defense, I wouldn't be able to get my graduation certificate."

"Graduation certificates are important to our Lu family's grandson? If you can't get them, you won't get them. Can't Chen'er afford you?" Mother Lu shook the list in her hand, "Quickly check all these, what do you want to do after that?" Just do it!"

The veins on Bai Jiujiu's forehead popped out of anger, she never felt that communicating with people is such a tiring thing, why can't she understand people's words?


Mother Lu was taken aback for a moment: "What did you say?"

"I said get lost!" Bai Jiujiu raised his voice several times.

Mother Lu didn't expect that Bai Jiujiu would dare to talk to her like that, and she was so angry that she pointed at Bai Jiujiu, "You, you dare to talk to me like that, I, I..."

Lu's mother didn't bring it up in one breath, and fainted out of anger. Bai Jiujiu was shocked and helped Lu's mother: "Mom, mom!"

Bai Jiujiu didn't expect Mother Lu to faint from anger.

Looking at the time pointed by the needle, his own defense and Lu's mother's safety, Bai Jiujiu finally chose the latter.

She notified Lu Sichen and stayed to take care of Lu's mother.

Bai Jiujiu was slightly relieved when he heard from the doctor that Lu's mother just fainted out of anger and nothing serious happened.

Seeing Mother Lu just woke up, Bai Jiujiu immediately poured a glass of water and handed it to her.

Just as Mother Lu opened her eyes, she saw that it was Bai Jiujiu who pushed her away, and the water splashed onto the quilt. Mother Lu said angrily, "You can't scald me to death!"

Bai Jiujiu was silent and didn't go back angrily, but just informed the nurse to change the quilt.

Even so, Mother Lu still didn't give Bai Jiujiu a good look.

Bai Jiujiu sat on the side in silence, peeled and cut the fruits into small pieces and delivered them to Mother Lu.

"I don't want to eat, get out of here, I'm upset to see you!" Mother Lu knocked the fruit plate to the ground.

Bai Jiujiu frowned lightly, took a deep breath, and tidied up silently.

In the final analysis, she swallowed her anger because Mother Lu was Lu Sichen's mother, and she didn't want to embarrass Lu Sichen, but a person's patience is limited.

The two sat in silence, no one paid attention to the other, like strangers, the atmosphere was awkward and depressing.

The door opened with a creak, and with the sound of steady footsteps, even if Bai Jiujiu didn't look up and stare at the door, he knew that it was Lu Sichen who had come.

"Chen'er, you're finally here. You know that the good wife you married almost pissed me off." Lu's mother squinted at Bai Jiujiu coldly.

Bai Jiujiu shook her head with a wry smile, she didn't argue, and she felt wronged, if the uncle didn't believe her, no matter how much she explained, it would be useless.

Lu Sichen just glanced at Bai Jiujiu, stroked her head, and then said to Lu's mother, "Mom, calm down, don't be angry with your body, your body is important."

(End of this chapter)

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