kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 938 Provoking Discord

Chapter 938 Provoking Discord
"Isn't this a slap in the face? I told her to give birth earlier and I was not happy. Now I can't give birth to her. She is still not satisfied. Do you feel at ease when you marry such a daughter-in-law? If you can't give birth to a child Forget it, it's not honest at all! Look at his wife..."

Lu's mother crackled and said that a lot of accusations were made against Bai Jiujiu. When Lu Sichen returned home, he was even more disturbed and darkened when he heard Lu's mother's crying.

Ai Yehe said at the right time: "We haven't found it yet, but we have found Ying Bao's trace."

"What about people?"

Ai Yehe directly asked Ying Bao to come to Lu Sichen.

Lu Sichen narrowed his eyes slightly, dark anger rolled in his dark eyes, Ying Bao was overwhelmed by a powerful momentum and couldn't breathe.

She lowered her head, dripping with cold sweat, not daring to look at Lu Sichen, but she also knew that with Bai Jiujiu's support, he wouldn't go too far.

That's why she had the guts to arrange all this, because she knew that Bai Jiujiu was Lu Sichen's weakness.

"Aren't you afraid that Bai Jiujiu will know what you've done?"

Ying Bao raised her eyes and smiled, "I also want to know if she will believe me or you when the time comes."

"Are you betting on her trust?" Lu Sichen's eyes were full of hostility, and his sharp eyes seemed to tear her apart in the next second.

"So what?" Ying Bao was not afraid of death's provocation, but in fact she was terrified of death, and her legs trembled a little nervously.

Lu Sichen just sneered: "I hope you don't regret it."

Ying Bao thought that Lu Sichen would press her or take threats, but he didn't do anything, he just let her go, and left quickly.

As if he knew where Bai Jiujiu would be.

Ying Bao recalled Lu Sichen's words and felt uneasy. In fact, everything she did was challenging Bai Jiujiu's bottom line. She wasn't sure what Bai Jiujiu would think when he knew it, but she didn't regret it.

Anyway, there is no doubt that Gu Xiuyi is sincere to Bai Jiujiu.

Yingbao is not optimistic about marrying the Lu family, she will leave the Lu family sooner or later, she is just adding more firewood.

Yes, that's right.

Ying Bao comforted herself like this, as if her conscience would feel better in this way.

Lu Sichen stroked the ring on his hand, he naturally knew the location of Bai Jiujiu, and the address on it showed that it was a hotel.

Oh, yes, both of them have opened rooms.

The air in the car was extremely oppressive, and Ai Yehe asked weakly, "Big brother, where are you going?"

"Vienna hotel."

Ai Yehe was extremely surprised, shut up quickly, stopped talking and concentrated on driving.


Gu Xiuyi managed to settle down, and Bai Jiujiu was sleeping on the bed when he heard the doorbell, thinking that the order had arrived, he opened the door directly, and received a solid punch before he could react.

When Gu Xiuyi saw that it was Lu Sichen, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then he thought that Bai Jiujiu's sadness must be caused by him, and the man's anger was ignited.

The two fought each other, and the scene was quite exciting.

It was so wonderful that Ai Yehe couldn't help hiding aside, eating the fruit on the table, watching, and said fearlessly: "Short oil, big brother is really powerful, big brother be careful to the left, okay! This punch is great, My sister-in-law will definitely applaud and applaud..."

"To shut up!"

"To shut up!"

The two spoke in unison, so frightened that Ai Yehe swallowed the fruit without biting it. Fortunately, the bite was small, otherwise he almost choked to death.

(End of this chapter)

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