kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 948 She is about to collapse

Chapter 948 She is about to collapse
The doctor explained: "That is not 100% accurate. If you really want to determine whether you are pregnant or not, go to the hospital for a blood test. That is the most accurate."

Bai Jiujiu was a little disappointed, and at the same time he was relieved. It was better than knowing that he was not pregnant, than knowing that he was pregnant and had a miscarriage.

She couldn't help but stroked her stomach, fortunately, she was not pregnant, otherwise losing her child would hit her even harder.

"I'm sorry, I didn't protect you well." Lu Sichen's cold words were full of self-blame.

Bai Jiujiu looked at Lu Sichen, he seemed to have lost a lot of weight, his beard had grown a lot, his eyes were bloodshot, it could be seen that the uncle was not feeling well.

She was suffering, and so was he.

He is so good, he deserves better, doesn't he?

It's just that Bai Jiujiu felt a little bit reluctant, and was very, very reluctant to leave him.

Mother Lu was having a temper tantrum, and Lu Sichen frowned slightly.

Ai Yehe couldn't help but stepped forward and said, "Brother, mother Lu is dying in the hospital, why don't you go and see."

Bai Jiujiu could see that Lu Sichen was in trouble, and looked at her worriedly.

To reassure him, Bai Jiujiu smiled and said, "Uncle, you go, I'll wait for you here."

Lu Sichen had no choice but to stroke Bai Jiujiu's head, and then kissed her on the forehead, "Okay, wait for me."

Bai Jiujiu sat by the bed, looking out the window that it was already dark, she pulled out the needle and walked out, the corridor was very noisy, the noise was loud and piercing, and her head became even more dizzy.

Bai Jiujiu went downstairs directly from the other side.

She knew that it was Lu's mother who was making trouble, and Bai Jiujiu walked alone to the bustling urban area. The world seemed strange to her.

The noise around her was so loud that she couldn't hear what the people next to her were saying. At this moment, she really realized the difference between herself and normal people.

She can't go back.

"I can't go back." Tears fell from the corners of Bai Jiujiu's eyes, she didn't know what to do, as if she had been abandoned by this world.


The familiar sound made Bai Jiujiu turn around, it wasn't Gu Xiuyi, but Bai Yu.

"Sister is really you!" Bai Yu seemed to have grown a lot taller, and stepped forward to hug Bai Jiujiu: "Sister, are you crying?"

Bai Jiujiu immediately wiped away his tears with the back of his hand, and squeezed out a smile: "No."

Bai Yu frowned, looked at Bai Jiujiu's distressed appearance at the moment, and said, "Sister, you don't have to lie to me, I thought you were living a happy life, so I never bothered you, but if you are unhappy now, go home Well, Mom, Mom actually misses you very much."

Bai Jiujiu was taken aback for a moment, home?Where is her home?

There was a trace of bitterness in Bai Jiujiu's smile.

Bai Yu seemed to see what Bai Jiujiu was thinking, so he grabbed her hand and put it on his chest: "Sister, this will always be your home, and you will always be my sister, if you are unhappy outside ,go home."

Bai Jiujiu's eyes were inexplicably moist, and she cried bitterly while hugging Bai Yu. She had been suppressing it for too long.

She is tired, really tired.

Bai Yu never expected that Bai Jiujiu would fall asleep on top of him.

He just came here to pack his luggage. He didn't expect to run into Bai Jiujiu just now. She is so unhappy now that she might have something to do with Lu Sichen.

Since he made his sister unhappy, it was only natural for him to take her back to her natal home.

So Bai Yu left with Bai Jiujiu in his arms.

On the other side, Lu Sichen went crazy.

Looking at the hospital camera, it was Bai Jiujiu who left by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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