kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 950 Breathing Pain

Chapter 950 Breathing Pain
Bai Jiujiu walked along the side of the stream, but he didn't see Lele's shadow yet. Bai Jiujiu was a little anxious, worried that the child would fall into the water. Although the water was very shallow, after becoming a mother, he was worried that the child would choke even if he drank water. , Eating a piece of cake is worried that the child will choke to death.

"Lele, Lele, hear back to mother!" Bai Jiujiu shouted at the top of his voice, thinking that when he found it, he would have to beat him up!
But when he really found it, Bai Jiujiu was reluctant to do it again.

Bai Jiujiu looked around nervously, walking too fast, he didn't expect to bump into someone.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Bai Jiujiu apologized subconsciously, but didn't see the person's face clearly.

"Long time?" The woman who was hit called out uncertainly.

Only then did Bai Jiujiu stop, turned his head, and turned around to see a girl with long flowing hair, wearing sunglasses covering half of her face, not a pointed chin, but a bit of baby fat, dressed in a very fashionable dress The clothes looked very elegant, giving her a familiar yet strange feeling.

"you are?"

"It's me, Jiujiu." The woman took off her sunglasses directly, revealing a slightly mature and lovely face.

Bai Jiujiu was stunned for a moment: "Ying Bao?" She never expected to meet Ying Bao here, since the last farewell, she has never seen each other again.

Bai Jiujiu was embarrassed and didn't know what to say, Ying Bao stepped forward and hugged her suddenly: "I'm sorry, Jiu Bao, I'm sorry!" His voice was choked with sobs.

The cold liquid slid into Bai Jiujiu's neck, she knew that Ying Bao was crying, but she didn't know how to comfort her, seeing passers-by turning their heads and pointing, she said, "Sorry, I have something to do now, we will talk later. "

She still wants to find Lele.

Ying Bao immediately wiped away her tears with the back of her hand, "It's okay, I'll accompany you." She finally met Jiu Bao, how could she let her go so easily.

She has always regretted that she didn't make it clear to Bai Jiujiu at that time, but she never thought that Bai Jiujiu would be so ruthless that he would disappear if he didn't see him. For three whole years, there was no news at all.

But she never thought that she would hide in such a paradise. If she hadn't listened to the company's arrangements to gather here for inspiration, would she never see her in her life?

"Jiu Bao, you've changed." Ying Bao looked Bai Jiujiu up and down, staring at her ears intentionally or unintentionally.

Bai Jiujiu smiled lightly, and could see what she was thinking, so he turned his head to let her see more clearly: "My ears are not good, and I wear hearing aids, which are only in-ear, and if you don't look carefully, you won't find it. "

Ying Bao's eyes darkened: "I'm sorry, it's all my fault, I caused you to become like this..."

Bai Jiujiu was silent. It's not that she didn't blame Yingbao, nor did she never hate her. It's just that something has happened. Hatred and blame can't solve anything, and can't change the fact that she became disabled.

Bai Jiujiu had no intention of chatting with Yingbao. She was anxious to find Lele, and Yingbao saw it, and said, "What are you looking for? I'll help you!"

"Lele, my son." Bai Jiujiu took out the photo to show her, two people can find it faster than one person.

Ying Bao was extremely surprised: "Your son? Are you married? With whom? Lu Sichen?"

After talking, Ying Bao felt that it was impossible to be Lu Sichen.

When the three words Lu Sichen were mentioned again, Bai Jiujiu's heart throbbed suddenly, and he almost stopped breathing.

(End of this chapter)

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