kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 953 Inexplicably Distressed

Chapter 953 Inexplicably Distressed

Bai Jiujiu squinted at the medicine Bai Xinlin bought, and sighed helplessly: "Mom, how much did you spend?"

One word at a time, obviously this is not the first time Bai Xin has done this.

"Ten thousand, the money is not important, he said it can be cured, and he is guaranteed, but it takes a course of treatment, which takes a long time, I bought a year of treatment!" Bai Xinlin's tone was a little excited.

As long as Bai Jiujiu can get well, she thinks it's worth the money!
She owed too much, and felt guilty.

Bai Jiujiu really couldn't bear to hit Bai Xinlin, but he also couldn't bear to see her being cheated again, "Mom, it's useless, not to mention whether this folk prescription has been scientifically cured, and even foreign medical skills are helpless in neurology. It is impossible to cure it with advanced medical skills. Once the cells die, there is no way to recover them.

It may be effective, but it varies from person to person, and we have gone to many hospitals to see it. Isn't the result still the same?

Mom, I know you care about me, but you have to be careful not to be deceived in the future. With this kind of fluid quack medical skills, you won't be able to find anyone tomorrow. How can I guarantee you? "

After listening to Bai Jiujiu's words, Bai Xinlin also felt that it made sense, with a disappointed expression on his face: "Yes, I, I heard that it can cure you, and I bought it when my head got hot, I, I, I... ..."

"Mom, I don't mean to blame you. If you buy it, you can buy it. It doesn't matter if you can't find someone to return it. Just spend money to buy a lesson. It's just that next time, no matter who is exaggerating to you, don't believe it. My doctor Not good, understand?"

Bai Xinlin nodded, but finally just sighed, seeing Lele falling asleep on Jiujiu's shoulder, he said, "I'll go and settle down for Lele, you finally found a friend, let's have a good chat."

Bai Jiujiu looked at Bai Xinlin's slightly hunched back and felt a little distressed. These unscrupulous merchants took advantage of the care of ignorant people to make money, and sooner or later they would suffer retribution.

Ying Bao asked, "Did you forgive them?"

Bai Jiujiu couldn't help laughing: "We're all one family, there's nothing to forgive or not, thanks to Bai Yu's enlightenment these years."

Bai Jiujiu didn't dare to recall how he supported himself before.

"Then he..."

"He works as a teacher here, and it's far away from this distance. I don't think he will come back to sleep tonight. You can sleep in his room tonight. The conditions here are a bit rough, so don't dislike him."

"Don't dislike it, don't dislike it." Ying Bao was very happy seeing Bai Jiujiu talking to her like this, why would he care about this.

After getting along with each other, both of them were more polite, and it was obvious that their hearts were not fully opened, and while they both understood each other, neither of them knew how to open the mouth.

As night fell, Bai Jiujiu heard the creak of her door and opened her eyes vigilantly. In fact, she was so full of thoughts that she couldn't fall asleep.

"Have you slept for a long time?" Ying Bao walked in lightly.

Bai Jiujiu looked puzzled, did not turn around, and deliberately fell asleep.

Ying Bao called out twice but didn't reply, thinking that Bai Jiujiu was asleep, so she sat on the edge of her bed and leaned against the wall and said, "I'm sorry, I know the harm I caused you. A word of sorry is something you can't let go of. In fact, I don’t know what happened to me at that time, I have a kind of auditory hallucinations haunting me every day, and my mood is easily affected. At that time, I was very anxious, and sometimes I couldn’t control myself..."

(End of this chapter)

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