kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 958 Do You Want To Please Me?

Chapter 958 Do You Want To Please Me?
"Your heart is so black! Such a heart of stone! I can't cover it with all kinds of tenderness!

If you say turn your back, you turn your face, if you say you don't see it, you don't see it!
There's not even a leeway, you say I'm ruthless, but Bai Jiujiu, I think you are more ruthless and heartless than me! ! ! "

Bai Jiujiu was speechless because she was sorry for him, but if Bai Yu hadn't passed out that day and lived in Lu's house all the time, she was afraid that she would not be able to support herself, even with Lu Sichen's love, But this kind of love in such an environment, I am afraid it will be exhausted.

That day, in fact, that day, she had the idea of ​​committing suicide.

And she couldn't say a word to Lu Sichen.

Lu Sichen narrowed his cold eyes slightly, silent, silent again!

Every time Bai Jiujiu's silence seems to be well-behaved, in fact he must be thinking about how to escape from him!

Lu Sichen suddenly stopped and laughed wildly, it was an angry and helpless smile after being suppressed.

"Bai Jiujiu, you are ruthless!"

Bai Jiujiu bit her lips tightly, her heart was throbbing, and she also hoped that she would be hard enough so that she wouldn't suffer from angina pectoris.

"Don't you want to leave? Get out! Don't come back to me after you get out!" Lu Sichen opened the door.

Bai Jiujiu's face was pale and he endured the pain, "Lele, I must take Lele with me."

Lu Sichen sneered: "Lele is my child. If you leave my side, I will fulfill you, but don't even think about taking my child away."

Bai Jiujiu's eyebrows were frowned, and finally he mustered up the courage to say: "Lele, he, he is not your child."

Lu Sichen tightened his fingers, and the glass shattered in an instant: "Could it be that you gave birth to someone else?" The shards pierced into the flesh, and blood flowed out instantly.

Bai Jiujiu saw his fingers bleeding, and his heart ached even more. Why did he abuse himself like this?

Bai Jiujiu shook his head: "No."

When Lu Sichen heard the answer of refusal, his expression became a little better, and he snorted coldly, "I know you just said that because you didn't want him to stay by my side. If it wasn't my child, why would he call me when he sees me?" Dad? Didn't you teach it?"

Bai Jiujiu was speechless again, it really wasn't her who taught her, but even if he said it, Lu Sichen probably wouldn't believe it.

Seeing his fingers dripping blood, the blood stained the white blanket on the ground red, this expensive blanket is especially difficult to clean.

In desperation, Bai Jiujiu had no choice but to turn around and take out the medicine box from the second drawer next to the living room, walked to Lu Sichen's side, and bandaged Lu Sichen.

Lu Sichen stared at her without moving, wondering what she meant by this?Distress him?
If he really felt sorry for him, why did he do things that made his heart hurt again and again?

Bai Jiujiu carefully bandaged Lu Sichen, for fear of his pain, he habitually blew on the wound, looking at Lu Sichen, he really wanted to teach her a lesson.

After bandaging, Bai Jiujiu told: "Don't touch the water, or the wound will become inflamed." After speaking, Bai Jiujiu couldn't help but startled.

"Are you trying to please me?"

Bai Jiujiu smiled bitterly. In fact, she didn't know what was wrong. She always acted one step faster than her brain, so fast that she couldn't think normally at all, so she just did it.

Silence, again silence.

Another damn silence.

Every time Bai Jiujiu does this, it always makes him uneasy!
(End of this chapter)

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