kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 968 My Wife Is Only You

Chapter 968 My Wife Is Only You

"I said, we will never say thank you." Lu Sichen kissed Lele: "Good boy, knowing how to protect your mother, I thought you would swallow your breath and say nothing like your mother."

"Where did your former momentum go?"

Facing Lu Sichen's questioning, Bai Jiujiu looked blank, yes, and then smiled wryly: "You also said that it was the past, I have changed now, I have become different from before, so you better not waste too much time on me." My time, I..."

Lu Sichen and Bai Jiujiu interlocked their fingers, "No matter what you become, you are my Jiujiu, my wife, Bai Jiujiu who belongs only to me."

Bai Jiujiu couldn't help but blushed a little, such simple love words, she was very happy.

Originally unhappy, he turned into open in an instant, Bai Jiujiu was no longer afraid, anyway, he had already lost everything that should be embarrassing, and there was nothing more terrible today.

"Have you bought the ticket? Uncle, let's not talk about anything else today, let's have fun with Lele today!"

Until the sun went down and Lele fell asleep on Lu Sichen's shoulder, the smile on Bai Jiujiu's mouth never faded away. Today was the happiest day for her, playing wantonly and happily , In the past three years, even since the ear problem, she has never been so happy.

Bai Jiujiu didn't realize that his hand was holding Lu Sichen's hand all the time, this seemed to be her instinctive reaction.

She didn't realize it, and Lu Sichen didn't say it clearly.

He has already discovered that Bai Jiujiu is extremely sensitive now, especially when it comes to her hearing. She is in a state of vigilance and resistance all over her body, so if she wants to conquer her heart, she must do it bit by bit slowly. She, he has plenty of time.

He only hoped that Bai Jiujiu would not leave him quietly like last time. As time passed day by day, he found that the days without Bai Jiujiu were so tormenting, and every day was torture for him.

But after she came back, for him, every day passed like lightning, as if he had done nothing, this day was gone, and the days with her were getting less and less day by day, he was reluctant to part with it.

Don't want to waste so much time waiting for it.

He's almost four, he doesn't care if Lele is his child or not, he can be raised as his own.

In fact, all this is not important, the important thing is that as long as she is happy.

There is nothing more important than her being happy.

What he wanted to protect was the smile on her face.



The two were silent for a while and then spoke at the same time.

After the embarrassment passed, Bai Jiujiu said, "You go ahead."

"Tell me." Lu Sichen really wanted to know what Bai Jiujiu was thinking, but it was rare for her to speak up.

"It's late, we should go back."

"Well, let's go home." Lu Sichen took Bai Jiujiu's hand, and Bai Jiujiu sat there with his head bowed, and he raised his head after a long time, his eyebrows were slightly frowned, and his eyes were full.

"Uncle, you know what I mean when I say go back."

Lu Sichen was silent, she still wanted to go back.

"Bai Jiujiu, do you have to make things so rigid? Or do you think I can forgive you no matter what you do, which makes you so confident?"

Lu Sichen's cold words made Bai Jiujiu choke up and opened his mouth several times, but he couldn't make a sound.

That's not what she meant, it wasn't...

(End of this chapter)

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