kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 979 She Makes His Heart Distress

Chapter 979 She Makes His Heart Distress

Ah Zhen saw that the matter had developed to the point of getting out of hand, so she simply made the matter worse, otherwise Lu Sichen would never let her go!

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-c? .

But Bai Jiujiu just stood there coldly, pursed his lips and said nothing, in the eyes of outsiders, she was wronged.

"Yeah, I also saw that it wasn't this girl who hit someone, but another one who had already left."

"Yes, you can't wrong people!"

You said something to each other, Bai Jiujiu's head hurt a little from the quarrel, and he grabbed Lu Sichen's sleeve tightly: "Take me away, take me away!"

Lu Sichen glanced coldly, exuding a powerful aura to silence everyone, Lu Sichen hugged Bai Jiujiu in front of everyone and left.

When passing by Ah Zhen's shoulder, the corner of Lu Sichen's mouth evoked a bloodthirsty smile, which made Ah Zhen shudder, no, she had to go back quickly and return to Lu's mother for shelter.

Lu Sichen felt Bai Jiujiu trembling in his arms, how could he be so scared?

Bai Jiujiu closed her eyes tightly, contemptuous eyes and pointing eyes appeared in her mind, which made her dizzy, especially the sentence "Don't come out ashamed if you are hard of hearing", and the impatient, waving eyes, such behavior deeply Stinging Bai Jiujiu's heart, this sentence was said by more than one person.

It was like a sharp knife piercing deeply into the bottom of Bai Jiujiu's heart, causing pain and pain.

The emotion was too excited, which caused Bai Jiujiu's tinnitus to get louder and louder, and he had a headache!

Lu Sichen didn't know how to decompress her, so he could only hug her and press her deeply in his arms, hoping to give her some sense of security.

"Am I disabled? Will I drag you down?" Bai Jiujiu suddenly raised his head and asked with a painful expression on his face.

Lu Sichen's heart was firmly grabbed, and he pressed Bai Jiujiu's head on his generous shoulder: "No, you are not, don't care about other people's eyes, remember that you live for yourself, not for others , other people's opinions don't matter!"

Bai Jiujiu rubbed his head against Lu Sichen's shoulder, how could she not know this truth?

She knows, she understands!

But she really doesn't care, she really can't do it now, she can't do it!
Bai Jiujiu's tears fell silently, Lu Sichen was very helpless, and said to Secretary Wu who was driving: "Go to Huo Weiting!"

mental ward.

Huo Weiting did not expect that Lu Sichen would bring Bai Jiujiu to look for him, seeing Bai Jiujiu whose tears were still wet, Huo Weiting immediately made her a glass of milk, milk has the effect of calming the nerves.

Bai Jiujiu took it and thanked him.

Huo Weiting asked about the situation, Bai Jiujiu said nothing, and Lu Sichen dragged him to another room to talk.

Bai Jiujiu lowered her head. She didn't want to hear what they were talking about, nor was she interested. She was indulging in her own grief.

Clearly knowing that this is not possible, but it is like being stuck in a swamp and can't get out at all.

Knowing, understanding, and being able to do it are another matter.

I don't know how long it took before the two came out.

Bai Jiujiu regained his composure and said, "Is the talk over?"

In fact, Bai Jiujiu felt that he didn't need this kind of psychiatrist. Since he was a demon, he could only solve it by himself.

Lu Sichen nodded, glanced at Weiting Huo and said, "Let's go first."

Huo Weiting said: "Wait."

(End of this chapter)

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