Chapter 981

Lu Sichen looked at Lele who was stuck to Bai Jiujiu, he hadn't hugged him yet, but this kid hugged him first, and he didn't let go after hugging him.

"Come on, daddy hug!"

Lele hesitated for a moment, but still shook his face, no, he misses his mother, who has been away for a day today, and he is afraid that his mother will not want him, he likes his father, but he likes his mother even more.

A child, whoever takes him for a long time, likes him, and can't do without him.

Bai Jiujiu was happy, and blinked at Lu Sichen, with a proud face, showing off to Lu Sichen, as if to say that Lele still clings to me and still likes me.

Seeing Bai Jiujiu like this, Lu Sichen couldn't help but curl his mouth, his little guy is really... cute!
In Lu Sichen's eyes, Bai Jiujiu is cute no matter what, this may be the so-called beauties in the eyes of beholders.

"The school where Lele goes to school has been arranged, will you send it or should I?" Lu Sichen asked tentatively.

Bai Jiujiu clenched his fingers tightly, asking her to deliver it alone, can she do it?What if Lele is humiliated?Will it cause him psychological pressure?

Ying Bao looked at Bai Jiujiu in a state of embarrassment, and immediately stepped forward and said, "I'll accompany..."

Before he finished speaking, he was scared to shut up by a cold blade-like gaze.

Bai Jiujiu knew that Lu Sichen wanted her to come by herself. Since he said before that he wanted to try, he had to try on his own. He just sent him to school, so there would be no problem.

"Okay, I'll send it."

Lu Sichen smiled at Bai Jiujiu with such a bright and handsome smile: "You can definitely."

Such affirmation gave Bai Jiujiu greater confidence and smiled at Lu Sichen.

Ying Bao watched the two look at each other and smiled. In such an atmosphere, she felt that she was eating dog food again. She was very envious of the tacit understanding between the two, as if she could guess each other's intentions with just a word or a movement, unlike her And Huo Weiting, each other is full of suspicion.

Thinking of Weiting Huo Yingbao's lost eyesight, this name has become an untouchable pain deep in her heart, how much pain do you ask?

Hehe, when you have loved someone with all your strength but have nothing left, you can experience the pain firsthand.

"Okay, I'm an eyesore, so I won't bother you two and leave." Ying Bao left directly with a pair of high heels on.

Bai Jiujiu looked at Yingbao's back and realized one thing. Yingbao seems to be more mature and sexy than before. It seems that everyone has grown up in the past three years, but she has not only failed to grow but also regressed.

This caused Bai Jiujiu to suffer a lot of blows, but the blows were blows, but it aroused her strong self-esteem.

There is a saying how to say that those who come, things must return.

Lu Sichen looked at Bai Jiujiu's eyes with passionate fighting spirit. He liked her like this, her whole body was full of vitality instead of lifeless.

Huo Weiting told him that he needs to enlighten Bai Jiujiu slowly, and he needs to grasp this process by himself. The first thing to do is to let her face the facts and be serious about the facts. The reason why she escapes is because she still dare not Faced with the fact that you have become disabled, this process will be very painful. Only you can help her patiently. At this time, she needs your support and encouragement very much.

"Is this really possible?" Bai Jiujiu hasn't come out for so long, can he do it?

Faced with Lu Sichen's question, Huo Weiting laughed: "I can't guarantee it [-]%, but sometimes the magic of love and family can create miracles. Don't underestimate your position in her heart, if..."

(End of this chapter)

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