Chapter 988
Bai Jiujiu bent down and covered her head with her hands. If it hurts so much, she feels that no matter how much her body hurts, she can't hurt her heart.

I don't know if he would be fussy without Lele's side. The child doesn't seem to cry or fuss, but in fact he has a very stubborn temper. He hides everything in his heart and bears it alone. On him, she seems to be Seeing the shadow of myself when I was a child, I love him very much.

And uncle, if she leaves, it may be a relief for him.

When people are in negative emotions and in a desperate environment, it is easy to have the idea of ​​committing suicide.

Jiang Guojun originally wanted to hear the sound of crying and begging for mercy, but he didn't get anything. Could it be that he was killed?No, she can't die now.


Jiang Guojun took a look at Bai Jiujiu's unlovable appearance, turned around and thought, no, wouldn't he fulfill her by doing this?
Anyway, let her live, such a humiliating life is better!

Thinking of this, Jiang Guojun's face was extremely smug, yes, what does he care about with a disabled person?
But if he let it go like this, he couldn't swallow it!
Obviously he is the most beneficial, but he is inexplicably aggrieved.

Bai Jiujiu caught a glimpse of a familiar figure inadvertently, and suddenly said, "What? Are you going to let me go?"

Jiang Guojun said coldly: "Let me let you go, there is no such possibility!"

"If I'm not wrong, you're trying to use me to threaten Lu Sichen, but if that's the case, you should treat me well, or if I die, you will have no leverage.

How about we play a game of cat and mouse?See if I, a cripple, can escape from your hands. "

Jiang Guojun frowned, he hesitated.

The corner of Bai Jiujiu's mouth curled slightly: "What, are you afraid?"

Jiang Guojun snorted coldly: "Joke, I'm afraid of a disability, Bai Jiujiu don't think I don't know what tricks you want to play, you..."

"You don't dare to let it go." Bai Jiujiu yawned bored.

"Who said I dare not! Am I still afraid that you will be disabled! Do you think you want to take the opportunity to slip away? Hehe, there is no door, so I will play with you!" Jiang Guojun ordered the surroundings to be arranged tightly, his eyes Quite proudly said: "I will give you some free space to play with you, but I want to see how you escape!"

Bai Jiujiu didn't want to escape, she just did this just because she accidentally saw someone who was familiar with Ai Yehe's back, she just wanted to create an opportunity to get in touch.

There will always be moments of low emotions, as long as you don’t indulge in it and adjust it in time, it’s not a big problem, but it’s easy to get depression if you keep indulging in it.

But Jiang Guojun doesn't take Bai Jiujiu seriously at all. What he has to do now is to stare at Lu Sichen's actions. Now it's time to make a deal with Bai Jiujiu. He wants to see if this woman is important or his company is important. !
Bai Jiujiu pretended to be relaxed, looked around intentionally or unintentionally, and finally found a chance to connect with Ai Yehe, she didn't dare to make unnecessary movements under the camera, and then went directly to the bathroom.

In fact, the bathroom is also monitored. Bai Jiujiu glanced sideways, scolded a pervert, took advantage of the dead corner of the surveillance, opened the note to read the content, threw it directly into the toilet, and pressed the flush button.

The note only said to wait, but Bai Jiujiu couldn't figure it out, what exactly is the uncle waiting for?
At the same time, Lu Sichen received news of Bai Jiujiu's safety and a photo, and the smile on his lips slowly spread.

(End of this chapter)

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