Chapter 990
With Mother Lu's 30.00%, plus Lu Sichen's 20.00%, there will be 50.00%, becoming the largest shareholder without a doubt!
Ah Zhen didn't expect Jiang Guojun to get the shares so quickly. Thinking that Bai Jiujiu is really the treasure in Lu Sichen's heart, she is very jealous!
Why, why can a cripple get so much!What's so good about Bai Jiujiu?

Since she entered the Lu family, she has been doing her best to take care of Lu's mother. For the sake of this family, can't she see her good Lu Sichen?

Originally, she thought that as long as she stayed in Lu's house, Lu Sichen could treat her better, so she gave up and would not be with that Jiang Guojun, but who told him that he didn't have her in his eyes at all, and he didn't even look straight at her!
Thinking of how he was kind to her in the beginning, Bai Jiujiu is all to blame for this. If Bai Jiujiu hadn't appeared, then she wouldn't have gone to jail, and she wouldn't be cheating Mother Lu who was kind to her now. It's all Bai Jiujiu's fault .

Thinking of this, Ah Zhen felt at ease. She had to get the shares from Lu's mother in order to step on Bai Jiujiu.

Ah Zhen told Lu's mother about the matter, and specifically emphasized that Lu Sichen even gave up his company because of Bai Jiujiu.

"How could he do that!" Mother Lu was so angry that she almost vomited blood.

Ah Zhen hesitated to speak, "Mom, there is something I don't know if I should say it or not."


"Before Bai Jiujiu didn't come back, everything was fine at home, but after she came back, big and small things kept going, and the kidnapping this time was a bit of a coincidence. She only wanted shares if she didn't have money. Who did you say was kidnapped?" Don't want money to run away, but want shares?

The point is that Si Chen's elder brother is also stupid, and he devoted himself wholeheartedly to Bai Jiujiu. Who knows if it will be a double reed performed by two people? "A Zhen looked at Mother Lu's face and said cautiously.

Mother Lu's face was very ugly when she heard this: "You mean she came back for another purpose, to swallow the family property?"

"Yeah, mom, think about it, that child doesn't belong to brother Si Chen at all, but that woman didn't use any means to convince brother Si Chen that the child belonged to him. He obviously raised the child for someone else, and Bai Jiujiu was behind the scenes. Maybe it's her lover, Mom, do you think they came back just to seize Brother Si Chen's property and design it for Brother Si Chen? You said that if Brother Si Chen heard that Bai Jiujiu wanted your shares back, transfer If I gave it to her, wouldn’t that be nothing?”

Mother Lu coughed angrily: "She dares, if she does, I will fight her hard!"

"She doesn't dare, but brother Si Chen listens to her very much, so be careful if he is confused by her." Ah Zhen immediately cried: "You also know that I persuaded my brother, but he didn't listen to me at all. Said that if I target Bai Jiujiu again, I will be kicked out of the house."

Mother Lu took A Zhen's hand and said, "With me here, no one dares to drive you out of the Lu family's gate!"

Chen Zhen squeezed her eyes out and continued: "It doesn't matter what I do, but I don't want to see Bai Jiujiu harming my mother and brother Si Chen."

"This woman is so vicious, and Chen'er really listens to her, so what should I do?" In fact, Lu's mother was also very worried. She knew Lu Sichen's feelings for Bai Jiujiu. If Bai Jiujiu wanted a share, her son would definitely give it to him. The woman did not expect the new machine to be so deep.

Taking the bait, Ah Zhen lowered the corner of her mouth and said, "Mom, I have a way."

"any solution?"

(End of this chapter)

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