The strongest Pikachu in Douluo mainland

Chapter 21 Awakening Martial Soul

Chapter 21 Awakening Martial Soul
Before writing the main text, let’s do a small test. Question: How did the protagonist Ning Chen travel to the Douluo Continent?

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"Well, since it's all right, let's go!" Ning Chen said.

After all, it's so bloody here, someone will definitely come in a while.Although Ning Chen didn't hate causing trouble, he hated solving it.So try not to cause trouble if you can.

"Hmm (⊙_⊙)" An An replied respectfully.So the two left this bloody alley like this.

It was past five o'clock when they came out, and it was time to have dinner, so Ning Chen and An went back to the hotel.

Well, when we got back to the hotel, Pikachu was already feasting there.The mouth is full of oil, and it is dark to see that the saliva is flying down three thousand feet!After all, an orphan like him can only pick up food from the garbage dump.He has never entered such a hotel.

Ning Chen sat down secretly and said: "Sit down and eat together! After eating, I will take you to buy some clothes. Your clothes are too torn."

Darkly looked at his clothes, and then at Ning Chen's clothes. It was true that Dark's clothes were too torn, and there was a faint stench.

He nodded secretly, and sat down to eat with Pikachu together.Pikachu saw that the speed of eating secretly was not slower than himself, as if he had met his teammates.It also started to speed up.

Ning Chen was really surprised to see An and Pikachu eating at such a fast speed. What the hell is the difference between this and the big eater?
Fortunately, Ning Chen himself is a disciple of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, and the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School is not short of money.It can also afford Pikachu and Darkness.

But Ning Chen has to think carefully about how to make money in the future. After all, Ning Chen needs money to develop his power. Ning Chen has to consider his future financial resources.

Otherwise, how will your own power develop in the future?If you don't have money, you still want to develop a fart's power?

Although the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School is rich, that's only because the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School is rich!Do I have to ask Qibao Liulizong for money if I want to create my own power?
Time passed quickly, looking at the clean dishes on the table, I complained in my heart: "If other guests eat like the two of them, the waiters probably don't have to wash the dishes!"

Pikachu touched his bulging belly and then slapped his dark shoulders: "Pi~ka~pi~ka~pi~ka~qiu~"

That expression seemed to say: "You are very good, you are a good opponent, and you can hang out with me in the future, you can eat hot and drink hot."

Then he looked at Pikachu with a serious face, that expression seemed to say: "Brother will mess with you in the future, younger brother must do a good job."

Ning Chen looked at these two guys, shook his head helplessly, and said, "If I run out of money in the future, I will definitely sell you guys."

Then An and Pikachu looked at Ning Chen pitifully, as if to say that we can eat so well because we can help you better?

Then the two of them wiped away the tears that didn't exist in their eyes together.

"Hehe, play the emotional card with me, don't, don't you guys know that talking about emotions hurts money?" Ning Chen said.

Then An and Pikachu left the dining table with black question marks on their faces, pretending they didn't know anything, and Ning Chen shook his head helplessly, did he really sell them when he became poor?Although people can be bought and sold in some places in this world, is Ning Chen that kind of person?

Ning Chen immediately caught up, because this time Ning Chen was going to buy some new clothes for An.After all, An's clothes are too shabby now, he is no different from a beggar, ah bah, Ming and An are beggars.

Just like when Ningchen Pikachu and An were having dinner together, a few young people who disliked An were too dirty and came looking for trouble.

then what?
Then Ning Chen released his soul ring, and then!Well, then no one will come looking for trouble again.

When buying clothes for An, Ning Chen learned that An was eight years old this year and had not awakened his martial soul. Ning Chen didn't know if he could awaken his martial soul again at the age of eight.So Ning Chen decided to go to Wuhun to awaken together after buying clothes for a while.

Because under normal circumstances, although six years old is the most suitable for awakening martial souls, that is just the most suitable, and it does not mean that eight years old is not possible.

So Ning Chen quickly bought clothes for An, Ning Chen found that after An was washed and put on new clothes, Ning Chen found that An was still a little handsome, but there was really no way to compare with Ning Chen.

After all, Ning Chen's handsome face is something that women are so envious of. If you don't look carefully, you may really think Ning Chen is a little girl, um, that kind of little lolita.

After all, Ning Chen is a man, and he doesn't have those two big mountains on his chest!
Because Ning Chen bought a few more clothes for An, and they were all business cards, which moved An to tears.

It made Pikachu even suspicious→_→dark, does this new kid of mine have any bad habits?

After buying some clothes for An, Ning Chen immediately took An to awaken Wuhun, and the Heaven Dou Empire also has a branch of Wuhun Hall.After all, the Spirit Hall is the strongest force nowadays, it is not easy to establish a branch of the Spirit Hall in the Heaven Dou Empire, and even Emperor Xue Ye dare not even fart.

I have to say that money is not everything, but without money it is absolutely impossible.Moreover, having money can make ghosts turn the millstone, Ning Chen and An could immediately awaken their martial souls without any effort.

An is awakening a martial soul there, and Ning Chen and Pikachu are watching there. Ning Chen doesn't know what kind of martial soul can be awakened by An?
In contrast, Ning Chen wants to know if An has soul power, because An is already eight years old, and the starting point is two years lower than others. If the soul power is too low, you Ning Chen have to think about how to train An. .

I saw a black Wuhun slowly appearing on An's right hand, the whole body of this object is iron black.Think of a dagger with a pointy top.

"This, this, is it the Mitsubishi army assassin?" Ning Chen exclaimed.

Indeed, this black dagger is exactly the same as the Mitsubishi army stab in a game "Life and Death Sniper" that Ning Chen played in his previous life.

"Hurry up, hurry up and test your soul power." Ning Chen quickly called out to Darkness.

Because Ning Chen believes that it must be the Mitsubishi Army Assassin, if An An possesses soul power, then An An has the potential to become a powerful assassin.

Hearing Ning Chen's words, he immediately began to test his soul power, yes (⊙_⊙), the crystal ball emitted Cui Can's light.

That light is the same as Ning Chen's soul power test when he first awakened his martial soul.

(End of this chapter)

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